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  1. Shashi this is a fantastic recipe.What a fresh idea for this time of year!

    I’m hoping I’ll have a chance over the next couple of weeks of the festive period to make this for Lynne and I. 🙂

    Thank you and wishing you a Merry Christmas. 😀

  2. This is my kind of salad, Shashi, I love esp. those roasted beets :-))
    Have a healthy and fun holiday season!

  3. I’m going to show my mum this recipe. She needs to understand that it is possible to prepare hearty salads, full of nutrients and fulfilling too. Needless to day, this is a perfect dish to me. Sri Lanka? It must be a beautiful country. I wish I was there too!

    1. Thanks so much Daniela!
      I used to live in Sri Lanka with my parents till I was around 10, yes, it is gorgeous! But, I live in Atlanta – Georgia/U.S.A. these days.

  4. I SO wish I could be the man (or, um, woman) who could move on a whim! There are times when even gorgeous and comforting beet salads just don’t warm me up from the frozen tundra that is Wisconsin.

    1. Gaaahhhhh – I don’t think even a million dollars would convince me to move to Wisconsin – I just looked y’alls weather up and y’alls highs re supposed to be in the 20’s next week??? Whaaaatttt????

  5. What a gorgeous salad!! I’ve gotten really into beets lately … and with all the cookies I’ve been eating the last few days this is just calling my name! haha

    Merry christmas to you and your daughter!!

  6. That salad looks and sounds amazing! As far as temperature, I wish I could do something kind of the opposite… like, if the lowest temperature is ABOVE my age, I’d move. I’m loving this cold snap we’re having. 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    1. Haha – Sashi – I have so not been enjoying this weather we have been having – I am ready for summer! 🙂
      Hoping you have a wonderful Christmas too!

    1. Thanks so much lady!!! I shivered a little thinking about how cold it is in Seattle!!! Brrrrr!!! And I complain when we have lows in the 30’s here!
      Merry merry Christmas my sweet friend!xoxo

  7. What a lovely story! I think that’s a great tip and I totally agree with your warm-weather loving 🙂
    I am so happy to have met you and to have the chance to connect through your wonderful blog. I hope you and your family have a delightful holiday season and a very very Merry Christmas!!! xxoo

    1. Hey Meme!!!! Thank you so much! I am so happy to have met you in person, in addition to getting to know you through your space – Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas too! xoxo

  8. That is such a beautiful salad. It’s so full of colour. And I wish you and your family the Merriest of Merry Christmases as well xx

  9. Hmmm…if I followed that older gentleman’s motto, then we should have moved out of upstate New York before we ever moved there to begin with! Haha! It’s ok, though. We’ve kinda started embracing the cold…we joined a curling club this year, and we’ve really enjoyed learning how to play the game! But let’s talk about this delicious salad for a minute. I’m not the biggest fan of beets (Laura is), but I absolutely love when they are roasted with other veggies. This salad looks like the perfect way to balance all of the cookies and junk food that always seems to show up at Christmas. Despite how hard I tell myself not to eat all of that stuff…I still do. But that’s what January and soup is for, right? 😉 Merry Christmas, Shashi!

  10. This is such a beautiful salad! :] I don’t know why I always forget that beets exist (I’ve only really ever made something with them once or twice in my life. ._.)

    I like that man’s philosophy. I would totally do that if it were feasible for me to do so! Since I cannot, I’ve been living it up in billions of layers and lots of hot soups. 😛

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! <3

  11. This looks fantastic and like a good detoxing from the holidays meal… just pinned to make when I’m back in SF 🙂

  12. This salad looks so healthy and delicious! I love beets and roasted veggies are my favorite! Hope you and your daughter had an amazing holiday! xo

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