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  1. Oh I LOVED Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I swear, we are soul sisters Shashi. It’s a lot easier for me to to give than receive too, my friend. I experience that around here in other ways, mostly asking for help with Hudson. Though I would LOVE to be on the receiving end of this Potato Skin Pile-Up! Looks easy and colorful, and I would call this dinner! See you at 6! 🙂 Have a beautiful day!

  2. I am so much like you! I have such a hard time accepting help–even when I am in the hospital with 2 kids at home. It is just hard. But I have to remember how much I LOVE helping others and let them do it for me. And these potato skins–OH MY WORD!!

  3. I have the same issue. I hate asking for help from my neighbors, but I don’t mind when they ask for help. I also would call the fence guy or car dealer. I love this post Shashi, I feel inspired to consider the community building of helping each-other. I too can always pay it back in food! lol!

  4. “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood..” I loved Mr. Rogers very calming voice. Neighborhoods are awesome and I miss mine in the States very much. Helping each other out because you are almost like family, that is what it is all about. I bet they loved this potato skin pile up. Now this is a loaded potato! Sorry to hear that you were having some website issues yesterday and glad they are resolved.. Take Care, BAM

  5. OMG, I totally remember Mr. Rogers! I remember wanting to live in his neighborhood too… although I don’t remember him ever serving delicious potato skins LOADED with goodness!! So maybe I want to live in your neighborhood! Scratch that. I TOTALLY want to live in your ‘hood… preferably directly next door. 😉 LOVE these skins, Shashi!! Totally genius to remake nachos with potato skins! These are beyond perfect for game day… or any day really! PINNED! Cheers, sweets! <3

  6. OMG, I totally remember Mr. Rogers! I remember wanting to live in his neighborhood too… although I don’t remember him ever serving delicious potato skins LOADED with goodness!! So maybe I want to live in your neighborhood! Scratch that. I TOTALLY want to live in your ‘hood… preferably directly next door. 😉 LOVE these skins, Shashi!! Totally genius to remake nachos with potato skins! These are beyond perfect for game day… or any day really! PINNED! Cheers, sweets! <3 xoxo

  7. It’s much easier for me to give -but I wouldn’t be giving this to anyone! It looks delicious; I’d keep it for myself! I love how easy Farm Rich makes game day preparations! #client

  8. I remember Mr. Rogers and his sweaters! I grew up watching his show, and it kind of broke my heart when he died 🙁 But I totally agree that it’s so much easier to give help than accept it. Oh… and I would love to be your neighbour 🙂

    1. Awww – so sweet! Amanda, I wish I was your neighbor too! Have you ever watched Desperate Housewives where a whole bunch of housewives lived down one lane? How cool if all us bloggers had a lane we could all live down eh? 🙂

  9. What a pretty and colourful dish. Love the avocado – not buying them at the moment as they are $7.00 each – burglary. I’ve never cooked with potato skins! Always only ever used the entire potato. Must try this. And yes, I can’t repair cars or fences either but there are other things I can do like deliver a lovely meal xx

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