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  1. I love that these yummy treats are no bake!! They look delicious! And I am queen of getting lost…the GPS was the best invention ever for me!

  2. Haha! Your dentist sounds like a real character. But I totally remember Atlanta. You can’t get around that place without a GPS…and even then, it’s confusing! But you know what, sometimes getting lost leads to brand new adventures that you never would have discovered otherwise. Just sayin’. I’m also just sayin’ that this mini-pies look amazing! I could gobble down one (or two or three) of those bad boys right about now! 🙂

    1. Yup, my dentist is definitely a character – he makes each visit quite an interesting experience – I don’t recall Lil Shashi ever wanting to miss a dental appt! 🙂 And yup – getting lost can be quite the adventure – however there was this one time I got so lost, I got Lil Shashi to a bday party 2 hours later and the party was over! #momfail

  3. I feel like I have no sense of direction sometimes so I totally understand what you’re saying. I get lost almost on a daily basis driving around Houston, even with my GPS! Anyway, these pies are such a great idea. I love the little pie shells – the entire dessert is healthy, easy and fun to eat. Thanks for the idea!

    1. Haha! Oh Joanie – I totally understand – sometimes I just don’t agree with mine – especially when I miss a turn and it keeps telling me to make a uturn – I mean there’s got to be another way than making a uturn -right??? 🙂
      Thanks so much BTW.

  4. Not to toot my own horn either Shashi, but I share that navigation talent with you! Ha.Thank God for the invention of the GPS. Helps keep me on course. (har har.) These little pies look delightful, easy and delicious! I love little minis like this. xo

    1. Haha! Yes!!!! I am so glad I’m not alone! Once when my daughter and I were driving from San Fran to LA – she was messing with our GPS and it got frazzled and decided it needed to take a break and we managed to get so lost in the 30 minutes or so it was out! Craycray eh? 🙂

  5. Believe it or not I use GPS every now and then when I walk in NYC – it’s so easy to get lost. When I’m in a hood I don’t know really well, I turn on the GPS and voila’ problem solved.
    But I’m sure I would not need a GPS to find these awesmazing pies. They look so delicious I’m sure I would find ’em even blindfolded

    1. Hahaha – Mike that’s what we did when we were walking through Chelsea and Lower East this past summer – just like a donkey with a carrot leading the way, my daughter and I were glued to the maps on our phones! 🙂

  6. I love these cute little individual pies Shashi! They are adorable! They each look so perfect! The fruit combination sounds so delicious too – apples, pears and plums are the best, especially during Autumn!! 🙂

  7. Pie crusts are super hard! I’ve only ever attempted to make a few from scratch, and while they turned out -okay-, they were still a far cry from that flaky buttery crust that everyone loves. That being said, I’m all for taking shortcuts, especially when it means I don’t even have to turn on the oven! Love these little individual pies 😀

    1. Tell me about it – I’ve been trying my hand at a decent gluten free one but I just haven’t been able to nail it. I just ordered “The How can it be gluten free cookbook vol 2” and cannot wait to try one of their crusts!

  8. Hahaha! I can totally relate to your whole “talent” of getting lost! I hear ya girlfriend! My dad used to constantly make fun of me for my lack of direction. But that IS why someone was clever enough to make GPS… although, it does help if you remember to bring it! lol. 😉 Anyways, I will make pie crusts for special occasions, like Thanksgiving, but for the rest of the year I love ready made ones… I mean YES to making life simple, right?! So naturally I am loving these crumble pies! I LOVE that they are mini, as I simply swooooooon for anything individual sized. PLUS they are no bake. AND they are filled with fruit and yogurt. AND they have a fabulous oatmeal streusel topping? GAHH! I’ll take 5! Simply delicious! Pinned! Cheers, girlfriend – to quirky talents and mini no bake pies!

    1. Haha – I could just hug Bradford Parkinson, Roger L. Easton, and Ivan A. who (according to Google) are credited with inventing our good Ol GPS system! 🙂
      I need to search your site to see your pie crusts – I struggle so much with getting a GF one just right. BTW -Thanks so much Cheyanne

  9. haha oh that made me chuckle … my husband makes fun of me for not knowing like directions (like north, south, etc. – I know how to get places by landmarks, etc instead! lol).

    And these little pies sound fantastic – especially that streusel topping!! I’ll take one please!

    1. Haha – I am so glad that I’m not the only one! And heck yeah, if not for landmarks and GPS am not sure what I’d do – I cannot tell you how many times I’ve asked someone “so we are meeting at the Starbucks by the QT and the Chase?”

  10. If it makes you feel any better, I’m hopeless at finding my way around as well. I dread it if I have to head to an area of Sydney I’m unfamiliar with. I do love how these pies are no-bake xx

  11. Haha I am always getting lost too and I feel the same way about pie crust, we are not the best of friends so I am all for shortcuts whenever pies are involved 🙂 Love that these are no bake and so easy to whip up. The spiced fruit filling sounds delicious and I am always a sucker for anything with an oatmeal streusel!

  12. It makes me feel a little more normal now knowing I’m not the only one who is not good with directions! It doesn’t matter how many times I visit a place, I’ll always need a GPS to guide me! These pies are so brilliant and I love the fact that they’re individual so I won’t have to share mine! 😀

  13. These are such amazing looking little crumble pies Shashi!

    And, I just got a whole batch of apples stewed on Saturday, making a recipe from them for my blog and sticking the rest in the freezer, so they could be getting used with your recipe. Perfecting timing!

    Love how you’ve got cardamon in these. Never thought of that, I’d just normally put cinnamon in my apply crumble / pie type recipes. Noted for future. Thank you! 🙂

  14. I don’t know how I lived before the Google Maps App! So handy, particularly when one travels. The directions are usually perfect. Anyway, love this! Who doesn’t like pie? Particularly luscious ones. Like these. 😉

  15. We all have our talents and our downfalls, while you are directionally challenged (thank goodness for GPS or I’d be a mess, too) it’s clear that you are a master at coming up with delicious treats–these look so amazing I’m craving one right now!! ~ client

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