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  1. Happy Easter Shashi, Love those healthy bars. Using dates as a sweetener is such a great alternative to refined sugar, I just bought some date sugar that I can’t wait to try. Great recipe for a guilt free treat.

  2. Wow any kind of sweet treat you can whip up in a blender and bake has my name all over it. I love this idea for a breakfast bar and adding the dates and carrots for the sweetness. Looks wonderful.

  3. Programming AND web development?! Guuuurl, look at you!!! I’d be doodling (or snoozing) about .2 seconds into those classes. Don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE to learn about both those topics, but my attention span is diddly-squat. lol. Maybe you can learn for me? 😉 And then you can come teach me!! I feel like you speak my language, so you could probably keep my attention! ESPECIALLY if you bring a dozen of these bars!! These look delicious, Shashi! Love that they are super easy to make and carrot cake for breakfast?! Ummm YES PLEASE! Love it! Cheers, dear friend – to a beautiful Easter weekend! xoxo

  4. “that’s been on vacay for quite some time…” <— LOL. Yep, this is all me. LOVE that the real lesson was that it's okay to let your mind wander. Especially if it's all the way back to your home kitchen. Is there really a better place for it to go? 😉 These bars look incredible, Shashi!! I'm a HUGE fan of breakfast treats, especially if they're in bar form. Happy Easter!! Hope you and your family have a good one! 🙂

  5. Wait. You were a guest speaker and you brought treats? Can I sign you up to a be a guest speaker at my house then? And if so will you bring treats? I’m really loving the idea behind these carrot bars! You’ve got all of my favorite flavors going in there with the cardamom, cinnamon and ginger…and I’m pretty sure these wouldn’t stand a chance in our house! I hear ya about lectures, too. Why is it so easy to let your brain take a vacation and wander off when a professor starts droning on about sorting methods? Speaking of drones…I’ll leave my back window open this afternoon! 😉

  6. Girl, I totally know what you mean….sometimes it is so easy to space out. Have you ever read a book and then got so far along and then think to yourself ‘what the heck did I just read?’ Yeap. Me. I do that often times. It’s like there has to be an effort made to focus sometimes. I like your thinking about the Easter candy going on sale, so better buckle down now with sugar free bars. Sounds like a plan to me! Though, truth me told, I bet these bars are waaaaaay better than any Easter candy that I could buy. Plus, there’s carrot in there so it is basically a health food and I could eat as many as I want, right 😉 ?? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Hope you had a fabulous Easter, my friend! Cheers to a great week!

  7. SHASHI — you’ve been so busy my friend. Developing new recipes, guest speaking to your daughter’s class and taking two left brain classes yourself. Waaaaa!!!! You are doing it all and getting excellent energy from these carrot cake breakfast bars. Great way to use up all the carrots the Easter Bunny left behind. I hope things slow down just a little bit for ya! Wish we could sit down for a chat and a cup of joe with one of these scrumptious bars. Delish! XO

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