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  1. Woah x3 on this one, Shashi! I seriously don’t even know where to begin. That salmon is absolutely calling my name…but then you put it over the quinoa salad? Yes! I love quinoa is a salad base…and all these peppers and broccoli in there, too. Yum! And of course the blueberry oatmeal cookies would be a hit. I love chewy oatmeal cookies, and blueberry is one of my favorites! I love how you created a whole meal with the goal of heart health. You rock! And this is way easier than looking inside your own heart…eep! I’ll have to check out that CoQ10, too! Thanks for all the advice and yummy recipes, my friend. 🙂

  2. This page was beautifully put together. Every item is a winner and the salmon is a beaut. I can just imagine how the quinoa compliments the salmon in mouth feel and flavor!

  3. These recipes all look so delicious and healthy Shashi! Such great recipes with so many yummy flavours! I’ll definitely be making some of your quinoa salad over the weekend. Yum!!! <3

  4. My grandfather passed of congestive heart failure many years ago — I’m quite certain his sedentary lifestyle and diet contributed to his early death — these are the kinds of foods that we eat regularly, to stay healthy. That salmon sounds delish too!

  5. Don’t know if CoQ10 really “works” but I’m convinced of its benefits, so I take it. Anyway, love the look of this salmon. Salmon is wonderful to begin with, and combine it with turmeric? Yes!

  6. As a nutritionist, a lot of my clients are usually surprised when I tell them they should be taking CoQ10. Many cardiologists and doctors don’t prescribe it and it’s especially important for those on cholesterol meds. Add that with this delicious omega-3 packed salmon and you’re on your way to good health!

  7. How did I not know you lost your dad to congestive heart failure, Shashi? I’m so sorry to hear that. Losing a parent is always hard, and I think every normal child wonders what they could have done to prevent it. 🙁 I’m sure your father is looking down and SO proud that you take such great care of yourself and your daughter! And I’m positive he is drooling over this spread of deliciousness! I mean, I for sure am over here drooling! I love EVERYTHING going on here! Salmon and quinoa are two of my favs and who could say no to oatmeal cookies with blueberries?! SO YUM!!! Thanks for sharing, dear! Cheers to you! xoxo

  8. Wow! Three recipes in one post! How awesome is that? I squirmed a little when you were talking about that heart experiment, but I guess someone has got to do it! So much nerve! Yikes! Heart health is definitely big time important and hubby and I always try to eat well (with the scatter indulgence) and exercise regularly. Love every recipe you have here and salmon is at the top of my favourite seafood list. I always try to go for wild and have stopped eating farmed. I’ve never paired turmeric with salmon but now I’m going to have to try. Turmeric is so good for ya too, but not good for counters or tupper wear (stains so bad, doesn’t it?). P.S. If you have any more of those cookies leftover, you can send some my way please 😉

  9. This looks like one seriously delicious meal – especially that salmon! It looks incredibly flavorful and cooked so perfectly. Each one of the recipes looks delicious though, and thanks for all the healthy heart info 🙂

  10. Werner was quite a guy, huh? We sure are indebted to him. Can’t imagine being the subject of my own study quite like that. I’d be passed out on the floor stone cold before I got the first inch. What a great slew of recipes, and leftovers are the best. My fridge is filled with leftovers and they are such a lifeline. The salmon looks great and cookies for breakfast? You are a girl after my own heart. Thanks for all the extra recipes today, woo hoo. Always glad I visited your corner of the world, I always learn something new. Today it was the humble beginnings of heart catheterization. XOXO

  11. Wow! 3 fabulous ideas in one post? You’ve nailed this Shashi! I’m a salad guy, so this one sounds fantastic to me. Although I’m not a huge fan of turmeric, the idea sounds intriguing, and the fish looks great. Do you ship some samples?:) And talking about the cookies, you don’t need to send me any samples (I know they’re delicious) – just forward a huge container or two:)

  12. Shashi this is so vibrant and colourful looking! I am staring at these pictures salivating.

    Salmon is definitely a fantastic heart healthy food and I’d be delighted to help you celebrate heart healthy month by cooking this for Lynne and I. Thank you!! 🙂

  13. Wow, 3 recipes in 1!! And all healthy, too.

    You must have one of the healthiest hearts in town, Shashi, and I sure know where to come for my healthy fix.

    I’m loving the look of all of these recipes, but especially those blueberry cookies. I was patting myself on the back yesterday for making some low(ish) sugar blueberry muffins, but these beat those in the healthy stakes hands down!

  14. Everything looks absolutely delish! Thanks for sharing these easy peasy recipes as well as the useful info about heart health. Now it’s off to look after my own heart 🙂

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