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  1. I wish I hadn’t decided to check internet before going sleep. Because, Shashi, that’s just outrageous to have posted this beautiful recipe when it’s night here. Chocolate and figs are among my favorite ingredients (after Mango and lavender ha-ha). That looks so luscious and so good! Can I grab one, pleeeeese?

    1. Thanks so much Ben! This was my first time experimenting with chocolate and figs and I loved the combo – so, I totally understand your obsession! 😉 Though, I’ve never had mango and lavender together … am I missing out?

  2. Your chocolate fig cups look so good. I do hope it all works out well with your job. If you’ve been there that long, the company must really love what you do xx

  3. Delicious little chocolate bomb you have there!!! Sending some positive thoughts your way that all goes well with the job. Sometimes change is good…. sharing your delicious bombs, all over!

  4. Drool, drool, drool! 🙂

    Here’s hoping everything works out for you on the job front Shashi. My recent spell of redundancy and being between jobs was challenging, but I had faith that something would come along and it did. Eventually. I know the same will happen for you, if you decide to change.

    1. Thanks so much Neil!
      I found reading your posts during your in-between period, so inspiring! I know things will work out – they usually do! Faith can be a powerful thing no?

  5. Oh no! I hope everything works out with your job. Let me just say that I know it will because it always does, even when we don’t see it at first. On the other hand, IIIIII have a chocolate fig recipe in mind and these just confirmed that the combination is a winning one!

    1. Thanks so much Erin! You are right, things have a way of working out! Helps to have chocolate figgy cups to help lighten the load!

  6. These chocolate cups are gorgeous! I’ve actually never had the chocolate + fig combo, and now I’m totally thinking I need to try it. I’m sorry to hear about the confusion at work right now. Hopefully it all works out for the best! Oh, and Insanity? Ugh. I tried that a while back, and I literally was left in a heap on the floor. That is one intense (but legit) workout. Much respect to you for doing it at 10pm!!

    1. I haven’t had fresh figs and chocolate – but, dude, fig spread and chocolate is just out of this world! A definite must try! I should have sent you a couple of these spreads, I ‘ve been eating way too much of them!
      Haha – at the end of each one, am left in a heap on the floor too! But, it’s worth it! This summer schedule has been kinda topsy turvy for me – usually I work out early in the AM – but, long as I get one in that’s all that matters 🙂

  7. “oh bring me some figgy pudding, oh bring me some figgy pudding. Oh bring me some figgy pudding and bring it right here. And I won’t go until I get some….” So now I”ve got “We wish you a Merry Christmas” on my brain in June. HA. This looks amazing, and truthfully I didn’t know much about figgy pudding except the song. But CHOCOLATE figgy pudding? Now we’re talkin’!

    1. Haha! Thanks for getting “We wish you a Merry Christmas” stuck in my head in June!!! I need to try and drawn it out with – chocolate!!!!! 🙂
      Thanks Allie!

  8. “The one that believes beets make everything gorgelicious…” -> you know how many things are wrong in that sentence? 😉
    I’m glad you didn’t ruin these awesmazing chocolate cups with beets. Otherwise I would have hunt you down. Seriously.

  9. I know company realignments and whatnot can be pretty scary. I’ve gone through that. And I totally understand the comfort factor of a job. I stayed in my old one for probably a year too long, and being laid off was totally a blessing in disguise. Good things will happen for you though, don’t worry! And good things happened for us because we have more chocolate! =)

    1. Haha! Thanks so much Chris! Funny thing is I’ve been through 2 acquisitions/realignments – but, you are right, things have a way of working out!

  10. Oh Shashi, these look INCREDIBLE! The cups alone blew me away, but then all that amazing goodness going on in there, wow! Good luck on the job front, I hope it all works out the way you want it to. How’s Insanity? My husband and I are 10 days into P90X3 and we’re loving it!!

    1. Thanks so much Sonali!
      I did P90X3 too – have y’all done the Warrior Workout yet? This is my second time doing Insanity – I did the series about 3 years ago – I love it! It’s a great cardio workout – I have to supplement some P90X strength workouts during the week too though.

      1. Wow, you’re amazing!!! We’ve now done the Warrior Workout twice, I love it 🙂

  11. Sending good vibes for all work-related things <3 But you know what? I have a feeling that no matter what happens, you'll find a way to make it work — you're good like that 🙂 And speaking of good… dried fruit and chocolate is one of my favourite combinations of all time, so these look absolutely amazing. I haven't had figs in a while, so I'm thinking that needs to change, stat.

    1. Thanks so much Amanda! Things will work out, in time, I know – but, I so appreciate your encouraging words my friend
      I am new to the whole figgy chocolate shebang and WOA – it’s freakin addicting! So so darn good!

  12. These cupcakes look decadent as all get out! I just want to grab one off the screen and start munching down. Those fig spread look yummy as well. Hope everything works out for you darlin!

  13. Sashi, that looks insanely good. I need to check out the spreads too. are crazy to do a insanity workout at 10…OMG. The teen and I do in the mornings during summers, we huff and puff like crazy. You are my inspiration.
    Hugs and good vibes coming your way. Everything works out for the best.xx

  14. These look positively delicious! I think they’d make a great gift for a hostess. Fig and chocolate is such a lovely combination!

  15. My chocolate cups always break when I try to take them out of the molds! I can’t decide if it’s cause they’re too thin or too thick.

  16. Change is scary. I can definitely see how these figgy cups would help. All of those spreads sound delicious, actually. I will look for them next time I’m food shopping. Thank you so much for linking up to #SaucySaturday.

  17. This looks delicious Shashi! I’ve got two family members who are lactose intolerant so they will absolutely FLIP over these beauties! Loving the love between chocolate and Figs too! 😀
    Thank you so much for sharing these with us at #SaucySaturday! sending some love your way 🙂

  18. Shashi this is soo good girl!! You shouldn’t be doing this to me!! Me and chocolates have a love hate tastebuds love them but my love handles hate them 😛
    Thanks soo much for linking up at #SaucySaturdays.. 🙂

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