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  1. Dear Sashi, we share the same frustrations! Thank goodness for modern technology and good food!! I don’t often make to the theater much anymore, but I’ve got a list of rentals to cozy up and watch. I love your idea for serving these peppers alongside the Angry Birds movie…love the color coordination too! I know my family would love these as well…pinning for later. xo, Catherine

  2. I can’t say I ever got into the Angry Birds game…but with that said, I can most definitely say that I got into other games on my smart phone. I can’t even remember life pre-smart phone. Wait, yes I can. It involved asked all of my friends with smart phones to continually check the score of the football game for me. Haha!

    As far as these stuffed peppers, I can most definitely get on board with these from the start. No delay here! And pumpkin? It does feel a little early…but you know, I can totally get it. Pumpkin would be great with these flavors! I need these peppers to show up on our table soon. They sound amazing!

  3. I’m a BIG fan of stuffed pepper but have never tried stuffing them with quinoa and lentils. And the addition of pumpkin puree sounds so delicious!

  4. Hahahaha. I totally understand all your pet peeves! And I think it’s sweet you wave at ALL if someone cuts you off.. even if you might not be thinking such happy thoughts as you do so. 😉 So I’m sure you already guessed pumpkin in August is one of my pet peeves. BUT, when you use it like THIS all is forgiven! It’s not like you stuffed a pumpkin or anything! Instead you used it in a way that makes sense and gives the dish a nice creaminess! So I’m not peeved. AT ALL. In fact I am LOVING these stuffed peppers! They look absolutely delish, Shashi! Loving all the spices in here! And you have got so much nutritious deliciousness going on! Winning for sure! Cheers, dear friend!
    P.S. I haven’t seen the Angry Birds movie yet either. When you finally see it you will have to let me know if it’s worth watching! xoxo

  5. “I even wave (not my middle finger)” <– okay, but this is WHY I love your blog. That and just about a million other reasons. Lolol. Oh, spoons totally become lightsabers when dessert theft occurs. I mean, that's SERIOUS business, Shashi!!
    An evening of movies plus these gorgeous stuffed peppers sounds like just the fix–for anything! 🙂 Shashi, I love pumpkin any time of the year, so break that fine orange-y ingredient out and keep it out! 🙂 Ya know, I'm totally counting down the days to Halloween, so I'm totally worse than you. Haha. Happy Monday and (almost Fall). Bring on the pumpkin my friend! xoxo

  6. Hi Shashi – love these great stuffed peppers!!!! So delish. And I promise never to swipe at your chocolate cake. Because bad things could happen. Hee hee. I’m protective of my good food too! Nothing wrong with that my dear. Loving the fresh ginger, lentils, quinoa and pumpkin in this dish!!! I’ve not seen Angry Birds either — but this is the perfect dish to watch along with. Have a great week ahead my friend!!! XO

  7. What? Pumpkin recipe in August? Seriously?! I’m unsubscribing and adding your blog in my black list, Shashi, haha:) Sorry for this little tantrum. I’ve decided I can forgive you cause you used just a little of pumpkin in this recipe (If you posted a stuffed pumpkin recipe, that would be a more serious #foodbloggingcrime. Besides, I do like stuffed peppers and this fantastic muxture if quinoa, lentil, and beans. Very well done!

  8. There is nothing wrong with pumpkin in any recipe any time of the year! These look amazing! Definitely pinning for later 🙂

  9. I love every aspect of these stuffed peppers… you had me at curry… quinoa and black beans! It looks great!! Hope you are having a great summer! 🙂

  10. These look delicious and perfect as we head into fall soon. I love the tie in with colors to the movie -so fun!

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