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  1. I love the picture of lil Shashi heading out (to school I assume?) in the car! I also love what you did here with these smoothies. We don’t make smoothies very often (I have no idea why), but we almost always make them for road trip breakfasts. I love this tropical version you’ve got going on here…sounds delicious! Also, traffic is over-rated. I say stop it. 🙂

    1. Hahaha – David – am gonna try rolling down my window tomorrow when I’m in the thick of traffic and yelling “stop it” – if they don’t listen, am throwing my smoothie at them! GAH – who am I kidding, I have sharing issues! 🙂
      BTW – thanks so much! Actually, Lil Shashi and her friend were heading out to pick up some school/college stuff – her friend is a year older than her and off to college this weekend!

  2. I really like the concept of slow thawing smoothie, it’s so inventive and creative. I’m definitely going to copy it and – needless to say it – give you full credit for it.
    About NYC subway during the summer, it doesn’t get any worst than that: smelly, humid, crowded, etc. In one word HORRIBLE (but so so efficient)

    1. Duuuuude – you aren’t kidding – the NYC subway system might emit some toxic odors but it sure is efficient! Think it’s only rival is the British one – at least IMO. BTW – you can copy all you want – cos, duuuuude – it’s good to see you back here visiting!

  3. What a cool idea to freeze a smoothie, Shashi! And you know what’s also great about them (Besides their taste)? You can throw one or a few in a parcel and send somewhere…let’s say Canada (just an example), and let them slowly thawing while being delivered. By the time the parcel is delicered, the smoothie is fully ready to be served. How convenient is that, eh?:) Would you like sending a box (just to try this out)?:)

    1. Hahaha – Oh Ben – you make me laugh with your comments about trying to convince me to ship my treats to you! But, I have a better suggestion, why don’t you and your hubs come down here and visit me in Atlanta? Yeah? 🙂
      Btw, thank you so much!

  4. Ugh that happened to me a few times when I lived in DC and took the metro to work! And sometimes I just had to get on so I wasn’t late! No no fun when the AC is out on them during the summer!! But I would happily slurp on one of these smoothies! They sound so refreshing!

    1. I didn’t know you lived in DC, Ashley – I was there for a bit too and I’m not sure if I remember correctly (oldtimers), but the DC Metro was way cleaner than the NYC subway – right?
      BTW – Thanks so much, my friend!

  5. Oat smoothie is my breakfast these days, so I am sure I will love this! This smoothie looks so creamy and delicious. Using a fruit bar in a smoothie sounds like a brilliant idea, Shashi. I will have to look for some fruit yogurt bars here! 🙂

  6. Oh boy, a subway car with NO A/C?! Gahh.. that does NOT sound fun!! Indeed, live and learn.. and NEVER hop on that subway car EVER again! lol. Love this smoothie, Shashi!! You are always SO creative!! I’ve never thought of doing a slow thawing smoothie, or a smoothie with oatmeal, but this is GENIUS!! Such a great way to start the day in a non-hectic way! Can’t wait to try this! Cheers, dear friend! xo

  7. Wow. That Inspector Gadgetry sounds absolutely amazing. Can I suction cup some of these oatmeal smoothies over here? Before the doors close? 🙂 Aw that stinks… or sweats. Hehe. Of course the only one open was the… er, less than pleasant one. Hmph!
    I love that you’re always coming up with easier and more convenient ways to get our nutritious foods in. In all honesty, I don’t have the time to make everything from scratch (even though I really want to…). Type A, right? Love that you made it possible to prep these well before. <– key to getting ahead and actually getting to breathe, right? Love this Shashi! I hope back to school hasn't been to hectic! 🙂

  8. I haven’t thrown oatmeal into a smoothie in a while and I really don’t know why–thank you for this recipe! <3 I love OUTSHINE bars, and throwing em' into a smoothie is such a good idea! 😀

  9. OH NO Shashi!!! The wrong door. I have also stepped through the wrong door, more metaphorically than anything else. Your NYC story remind me of a very short, interesting monologue “Two Roads Diverge” by folk musician David Wilcox that always entertains Jon and me – “Two Roads Diverge” – — I also love his song that follows the monologue – “Hold It Up to the Light” We first saw David at The Handlebar in Greenville, SC years ago but later here on the outskirts of Boston. Enough about David! Let’s talk smoothie!! So clever to use the fruit bars, totally cuts down on prep. I love Outshine bars, and oats are so filling. Delicious! Have a wonderful weekend friend. XO

  10. Hope you and your daughter had a great time in NYC! Yikes! Yes, their subway trains are SO hot during thee summer! These smoothies would have been a great way to cool down! Love that they are slow thawing! Such a great idea!

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