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  1. My mother made these too! Both the tuna and the beef ones. They are delicious and she always knew to make plenty. You know, they’re great squished inside of sandwiches? Yum. Yours look so good I’m craving them now… And I’m in bed. Dang it.

    1. Nazneen – we used to eat them with bread and butter too – one of my cousins would squish them into a sandwich – but I would take a bite of cutlet and a bite of bread as I didn’t want to squish the cutlet!
      Thanks so much Nazneen – so nice to hear that cutlets were not just popular in Sri Lanka!

  2. Mmm these sounds awesome Shashi! I’m not usually a fan of canned tuna but in cutlet form, I think I’d love it…even better when it’s straight from your kitchen ;)! Have you tried the Chipotle flavoured tabasco? If not, you need to get your hands on a bottle asap…SO relish!

    1. Aww you are so sweet – thanks lady! Btw, you can use chicken or ground beef or ground turkey instead of tuna – my mom has made these before with ground beef and chicken and I loved them though I don’t even like beef! Yes, I did try the Chipotle Tabasco – freakin phenomenal!!!

    1. Thanks Howie! I am so sorry y’all dont have a variety of Tabasco readily available over there – but these can be made with spices – like my mom does – they taste delicious either way!

  3. Yes, my Sweetness…your sharing skills need an intervention! How could you deny me these little bites of tuna happiness? !
    I’m all aboard trying to convince your boss to give you a month long vacation, though. How else will we ever find time to meet in person? !

    1. Haha – Becca – when we meet I will hand deliver a dozen…er maybe 6 – or for sure 2 (I might get hungry on my travels) to you! Deal? 😉
      Hey -thank you!
      And on a serious note – you planning on going to Blogher 2015 in NYC?

      1. Isn’t it funny how traveling causes SO much hunger??
        I’m attending my first ever blogging conference next year, but it won’t be BlogHer. I’ll be at Eat, Write, Retreat in Chicago in June. I’d love to see you there!

  4. Oh yes, I know all too well about the “cutlet wars”. I have to equally divide them out before any are consumed so everyone has their equal portions. My son gobbles his all up… my daughter savors them. You can see how that is just a fight waiting to happen. I try to make them once a month because they are so loved and the kids even take them squashed inside buttered bread for their lunchbox. Love this post… brought out a lot of fun memories for me. 🙂

    1. Haha – Ramona – that is indeed a fight waiting to happen!!! I guess if I made these once a month too they won’t be so fought over?
      Thank you so very much, btw.

  5. Haha my brain is def unwilling to cooperate with me lately as well. There’s something very similar to this in korean cuisine that is panfried. mmm…so comforting!

    1. Thanks Min – I am intrigued about the Korean pan fried version – I’ve tried baking these before but have not been successful in duplicating the taste/texture exactly….

  6. Hey, my brain turns to Christmas as soon as Halloween is over…we put our tree up on Nov 1…so you’re good!
    You know what’s also good? These fish cutlets! I have never tried anything like them, but they sound bomb dot com girl! Pinned!

    1. Hahaha! I remember seeing that picture of yall’s tree on Instagram – that picture led my daughter to insisting we put ours up too – then she threw the “oh I have only 2.5 more years before I go to college so you cannot deny me” tidbit – geez!!! There used to be a time when I could distract her from anything with food – those days are gone!
      Thanks so much sweet lady!

  7. Woah! What a unique (and awesome) recipe, Shashi. It’s only 8:30am, and I am totally craving these tuna cutlets. I need to stop reading your blog in the morning…because then I’m just hungry all day! So about this sharing issue. I think I can help. How about you send me 2 batches of these cutlets. Why two? Well, we both know my mail-lady will steal (uh, I mean lose) one of them…but then there will still be another one for me! I’m thinking I might have to fight your daughter for 2 batches of these, though. Haha. Oh, and Happy (belated) Birthday to little Shashi! 🙂

    1. Hey now – it’s not really fair that I have to read about your speculous cookies and chocolate dipped shortbread cookies with a measly bowl of oatmeal in front of me right???
      Way I see it – there’s only one real solution – I think I am gonna moonlight for the Sarotoga Springs postal service and start confiscating ALL the packages you try to send out – Clearly I need your mail-lady’s gig! And I need fleece lined apparel! 😉

      Btw – thanks David – little Shashi had a wonderful 16th birthday – when you and Laura have kids, be ready for time to fly by faster than ever before!

  8. Tomorrow night I was planning on having tuna and mashed potato after my workout (I need to eat in a hurry!), but I’m totally going to make this instead!

  9. This is so cool! Never would’ve thought to serve some fish as an app at my Christmas party! But this does sound so yummy and I would love to have something different!

  10. Hi Shashi, my grandmother use to make something very similar when we were growing up and there was no hint of a recipe, thanks for sharing. Pinned and printed.

    1. Aww- your are so welcome – this or some version of it has been in my family -and probably in a lot of Sri Lankan families- for ages! Thank you Cheri

  11. These look awesome!!! (and I know all the ingredients again:)
    Happy birthday to your daughter – always fun to celebrate another year with our kids!!

  12. Hope your daughter had a wonderful wonderful birthday! Aaw I know what you mean, it’s hard to stay focused this time of year with so many things going on. Having some of these delicious fish cutlets would help me concentrate better though 🙂 They look incredible and I love all the flavors! Love that they are bite-sized too, that means I can totally have more!

  13. Well. This is just about the MOST interesting thing I’ve ever seen made with canned tuna! I came over to find some Sri Lankan recipes to try and I believe this will be the first one!

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