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  1. LOL about the alcohol on the top shelf and it not burning off in the recipe. I read somewhere that most of it burns off but a small amount remains unless you set it on fire. I’m not sure what to believe. If it tastes good, I use it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Maureen – I didn’t know that it didn’t all cook out – I gotta remember that for next time! Thanks so much for letting me know!

  2. Hahaha…I love that your daughter has “unresolved issues” with orange juice. Maybe you just need to put her in a room with a bag of oranges and tell her she can’t come out until she makes some new friends. some round orange friends! This looks delicious…oh, and I cracked up at your story of the liquor store adventure! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Haha – thanks David! Once I tried putting an orange in her lunch bag and she brought the whole thing back uneaten! Maybe if I chuck some oranges mixed with apricots and mangoes at her, she will succumb – things are gonna get messy up in here! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. You had me at mango! I cannot resist it!

    haha and you have me cracking up with the unresolved issues with oranges with your daughter!

    1. Ha – Thanks Ashley!
      Sometime I sneak an orange into her lunch box and she will bring her whole lunch home – uneaten! Fortunately she eats all other orange veggies/fruits! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks so very much Olivia! The fresh mango went well with the mango infused vodka – hope you enjoy this as much as we did ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Thanks for sharing the your thought process. It’s always interesting hearing how these recipes evolve. Your finished dish looks fabulous! YUM!!!

  5. Really creative Shashi, I think it sounds wonderful. I do love wine both to drink and cook with, spirits also have their place. I think the glazed tofu with a steaming bowl of rice is a great meal.

  6. This sounds incredible, Shashi! And your pictures are gorgeous! <3 I'd probably be in lots of trouble if I had to come up with a dish using alcohol as well… I'm not really the biggest drinker either, and I'm completely cluless when it comes to telling the difference between a good bottle vs. a bad bottle, or knowing what kind of alcohol goes with what kind of food. I think I'll just stick to oats, AB, and chocolate ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thanks so much Amanda! Your sweet words mean a lot, my friend!
      I got into a conversation with a lady at the store and she mentioned that so long as I was cooking with it, it really didn’t have to be the best wine/liquor around – which was food for thought for me!
      I would take an oats, AB and chocolate shake (or anything) over a glass of wine ANYTIME ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks so much Kimberly….I have been trying to eat more free range chicken,but I end up walking out of the store with tofu instead! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I am drooling over all that gorgeous mango and I love that you combined it with tofu! I definitely need to try this out. Hehe you are too funny girl, I am lost at the liqueur store too so I may substitute the liqueur with orange juice instead since oranges and I are still friends ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hahaha – thanks so much Kelly! I was so close to sneaking that OJ into this…I think Orange juice would work great – cannot wait to see your version! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. A beautiful and original vegetarian dish. Boozy tofu… I look forward to trying this recipe!

  9. haha, I’m with you on that! I never have alcohol, so I had to get somewhat creative. The one you picked up sounds amazing though! I love all the fruits in it! :]

    1. Thanks so much Farrah – I have to be honest – I picked it because it was such a pretty pink – there was another gorgeous blue one, but I wasn’t sure if it would have stained the tofu – blue tofu might not be so appetizing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Ooo, I have never seen boozy tofu before! Looks great. And I totally understand where you’re coming from about having to clean up wine… oh, the stains I’ve had to get out of my clothes/carpet!

    1. Thanks so much Genevieve – one time I dropped a bottle off a top shelf and red wine splashed everywhere! GAH – wine can go places jello cannot! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I don’t drink much either. Oops – you know that was a bold-faced lie!! I love my happy hour cocktails – so when we meet, I will buy the drinks!!
    And, my 15 year old is the same way about the whole cooking with alcohol – I try to never let him know if I put wine or any alcohol into a dish because he sort of freaks out about it!!!

    1. Hahahahaha!!!! Kim, thank you for the chuckle – it’s amazing how much laughter a little 5 word sentence can generate!
      You are on, my friend – and I will bring the chocolate! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I figured you would know that was a lie right off but I couldn’t resist!
        Chocolate pairs perfectly with any drink!!

  12. Beautiful dish and your tofu is perfectly brown. I have not seen any Kinky Liquor on the shelves in HK but I bet any fruity cooler would be nice here. What a fun post. Just pinned.

  13. OMG yuuum- great use of alcohol! I would never think to pair alcohol with tofu but this sounds like the perfect summer dish! I hope you picked up a bottle of vino to enjoy on the side ;)!

  14. Booze, mango & tofu sounds absolutely incredible. Looks so delicious. . My kinda thing.. ๐Ÿ™‚ kinky liquor what a fun name… ๐Ÿ˜‰ can’t wait to give it a try..

  15. Saw this over at The Spicy Rd and just had to stop by. Such an interesting combination of flavours. Living in the UK I doubt we have this liqueur, but I think a spoonful of yuzu ‘honey tea’ (like a marmalade) would be a great sub. Yum! Pinning.

  16. I have never tried tofu before! Actually, that’s a lie. I had it once because I thought it was chicken…and I’m not sure what I think about it! I guess I need to try yours!

    1. Hahahaha – I don’t believe you thought it was chicken – come to Atlanta and I will make you all the tofu you can eat – PS I will make sure you know it’s not chicken ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. This looks amazing – I love the combination of flavours you have used and also the name of the bottle cracked me up ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I also love tofu as it soaks up so much flavour!

  18. I am not a big drinker either, so those mini bottles are a godsend when I need something for cooking! Love the sound of this tofu…fruity and so full of FLAVOR.

  19. Not all of the alcohol burns off when you cook something, but relax: there’s not a whole lot left. Besides, people use vanilla extract and the like without a thought, and they’re mainly alcohol. Of course you don’t use that much of it! Anyway, fun tofu — thanks.

    1. GAH – thanks so much for letting me know KR – that’s what Maureen said too! You are right – I only used a mini bottle – perfect for an experimental alcoholic drink! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. OMFG! SO, when i went to your site last week, the last entry that showed up was from June, so I thought you were taking a break or focusing on twitter- What the heck was wrong with my computer?!? maybe it was a cached version? does that even make sense? (im not even sure what cached version means) but OK NOW everything is right with the world. (that happened with a couple other sites too, now i need to go back and recheck everybody) i need this recipe in my life bc i tried BUYING soething similar when i saw it in the grocery store the other day- and it was amazing- but your version sounds so much better!!!

    Ok, i need go figure out what the heck is wrong with my internets now. (maybe the user is just off her rocker, very possible)

    1. Ah-ha – now your twitter comment earlier makes sense ๐Ÿ™‚
      Before I upgraded I was having issues {while my website/blog issues seem to have been solved somewhat, my behavioral issues are ongoing ๐Ÿ˜‰ } -maybe you caught me in the middle of upgrading? Glad its ok now though…I sure did miss you lady and am glad you are back!
      And thank you so very much!

  21. what absolutely gorgeous pictures Shashi and that of my favorite blank canvas of the food world; tofu. I enjoy mango with tofu and recently used the combination in taco’s of an Asian style. I am teetotal, what do you reckon I could use instead of the booze? x

    1. Thanks so much Deena – Kelly commented saying she was thinking of using orange juice instead and I think that would be just fine – only a little is needed – maybe 1/3 cup.

    1. Thanks so much Serena – that kinky mango/passionfruit vodka sure was interesting to work with – thanks for such an awesome challenge!

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