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    1. the Potato skins are the best… I dont like potatoes especially, but the skins are excellent and that is where the nutrients are any how. I have a questions tho about the salad- I am allergic to corn-could it be made without ??? I would like to serve it for thanksgiving-where a number of us can not do the corn.. which is sad cause I always loved corn, growing up on a corn farm and detasseled and got corn poisoning and there fore can not have corn now 50 yrs later…

      1. The potato skins are my favorite too! I am thinking this could most definitely be made without corn (so sorry you are allergic) – you could simply leave it out or substitute it with a can of chickpeas or pinto beans or even green peas, if you like. Thanks so much Leah for commenting – I sure do appreciate it. Have a wonderful Friday!

  1. Oh man, I would be all over these loaded potato skins…they’re one of my faves! Speaking of dryer vents, I totally remember getting under our house in Atlanta and replacing our old dryer vent. It ran across the back of the house and it was tied up at several intervals…well that meant that it had some nice “valleys” where the dust could gather. We replaced it with a straight vent…oh good times. Haha! Sounds like you’ve had your share of housework lately, Shashi!

    1. Yeah? Coincidentally, that’s what I replaced my old gnarly one with too – those valleys were more like craters in my case! I learned my lesson – I need to check on that vent more often! And I read you post – it’s not just me with the happening housework! 2 weeks and counting eh?!

  2. Dear friend, I love silver linings. What gets me through life. Yup. Glad you discovered that dryer issue. We’ve had that happen before, and now that you mention it, might just be a good idea for us to check that hose again. Ya think? Such a gorgeous salad and I love all the bright colors. Potato skins look yummy too. Have a fabulous day!!!! xo

    1. You have such a sweet soul Allie! Here’s to finding those silver linings no matter how dark ’em clouds are! Thanks so much – i hope you had a fabulous day too! xo

  3. Frozen loaded potato skins? I have never seen that before!! I can’t wait to get to LA and check out all the freezer selections that we don’t get in Australia. We don’t even have dough!

    1. What??? Y’all don’t have dough??? I’d heard about the Australian produce sampling from other blogegrs – but no dough is crazy! You are not gonna wanna leave LA – will you be going to San Diego? Thats where some of the best tacos I’ve had are!

  4. It’s amazing what cleaning your dryer vent will do! Something we try to do fairly often — clothes dry so much quicker. Sorry about the leak — what a mess. Anyway, love curry, so this dish is right up my alley. Thanks!

  5. Oh geez Shashi, that is one heck of a week! BUT, I am glad all is fixed AND you can dry laundry in one cycle – score! I haven’t had Farm Rich products before, but I have seen them in the freezer section, next time I’m short on time and Boy is hungry I will have to remember these! I am a sucker for any type of salad (My family doesn’t refer to me as rabbit for no reason), and this 3 pepper salad looks fantastic! Love that it is curried AND warm, so perfect for this time of year! Cheers, dear – to silver linings! <3

  6. Eeek! I am so glad you found that clogged hose as a result of the leak! That stuff always freaks me out! Love how quick this salad is! I need all the fast meals I can get as the holiday madness approaches!

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