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  1. Just discovered your site via “David at Spiced” and glad he pointed me towards you.
    Your Oat Banana Chip Cookies look so good. We have nut allergies in the house so Almond flour isn’t an option. Gluten is not an issue, so would you have a substitute in mind for the almond flour?

  2. Well it certainly looks like your recipe trials led to a successful (and yummy) cookie! Hopping over to grab the recipe now. As far as organizing ideas and photos, umph. I have so many phone photos of things I see when I’m out and about. It’s like “I want to recreate that!” But then I end up with dozens of ideas…haha. One day. One day. Now as far as being out of flour, butter and chocolate chips? How is that even possible!? Send your drone up my way. I buy flour in 50-pound sacks! 🙂 That’ll make a lot of cookies. Haha!

  3. Your oat banana chip cookies look delicious Shashi. It’s nice to see a change from chcolate chip cookies that I always seem to see variations of on people’s blogs. I’ve nothing against chocolate chip cookies, it’s just I think I would like something different. Like these. I can imagine the soft delicious crunch of the banana chips. Yum! (Thanks for the video too 🙂 )

  4. Pingback: Beet Deviled Eggs
  5. Banana chips and cardamom in cookies? You’ve created the cookie of my dreams! I always have a bag of banana chips lying around because they’re one of my fave snacks; I’m totally making these this weekend! SO GOOD!

  6. Just discovered your site via “David at Spiced” and glad he pointed me towards you.
    Your Oat Banana Chip Cookies look so good. We have nut allergies in the house so Almond flour isn’t an option. Gluten is not an issue, so would you have a substitute in mind for the almond flour?

  7. these looks so good! you had me at banana choc chip, and I love your thorough step by step recipe shots! so useful 🙂

  8. You banana chips look so good! And so different from the usual cookies. I loved reading your journey on making these cookies. That’s the best way though, having an inspiration and then working with what you have to make something .new

  9. Your oat banana chip cookies look delicious Shashi. It’s nice to see a change from chcolate chip cookies that I always seem to see variations of on people’s blogs. I’ve nothing against chocolate chip cookies, it’s just I think I would like something different. Like these. I can imagine the soft delicious crunch of the banana chips. Yum! (Thanks for the video too 🙂 )

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