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  1. The title of this one reminds me of that song ‘Pumped up Kicks’ 😀 We didn’t get a full eclipse around here like other parts and to tell you the truth I didn’t really notice anything. I think I may have been inside at the time, lol. Anywho, from the pics that I did see and the talk about it, it sounded pretty freaky 🙂
    Loving these muffins, Shashi! I happen to love all sorts of pumpkin things anyway so these are right up my alley 🙂 Perfect with a cuppa joe right about now. Hope your doing well! Cheers to an awesome week! XO

  2. So we planned on getting some of those eclipse glasses to watch the show last week, but they were all sold out here in town. Like every store had a sign on the window saying “glasses are sold out.” (And we were only in the 70% band for the eclipse!) But then Laura managed to get a pair at work. I tried making the homemade “binoculars” out of a cereal box, but I was really disappointed in that one. Then Laura surprised me by driving home early so I can use her glasses and still catch a bit of the eclipse. It was awesome! I should thank Laura for doing that…perhaps with a batch of these muffins! They are literally screaming my name right now. Pumpkin + pecan in muffin form is right up my alley. And I love that you used protein powder in these, too! 🙂

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