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4-Ingredient Matcha Latte Popsicles

Made with just four ingredients, these protein-packed Matcha Latte Popsicles are a refreshing treat, perfect for summer!

I have partnered with Naked Nutrition on this post. All opinions herein are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep this blog spinning.

Healthy Matcha Latte Popsicles

This Matcha Latte Popsicle recipe is an easy one to make. The popsicles turn out so creamy and are such a delightfully cold treat to enjoy on a hot summer day.

And, these little popsicles are packed with Naked Nutrition’s Ella Beauty Collagen Peptides and Protein Powder. Ella packs a whopping 20g of protein from grass-fed collagen peptides and organic seed protein. It also contains 100mg of hyaluronic acid and 100% of my daily value of vitamin C and biotin. All this goodness and it has absolutely no added sugar!

If you are a fan of matcha flavor and are trying to add more collagen and protein to your diet, you might want to try out Ella either in a shake or in these tasty popsicles!

Speaking of these popsicles, I love them because they are easy, tasty, pack a hefty punch of collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, and other skin must-haves (for me), and I only need 4 ingredients to make them!

4 ingredients needed to make these Green Goddess Protein Popsicles

What are the ingredients needed to make these Matcha Latte Popsicles?

You will need the following four ingredients:

  1. Ella Matcha Latte (available for purchase on Naked Nutrition and Amazon)
  2. Full-fat Coconut milk, almond milk or a combination of both
  3. Coconut condensed milk
  4. Pure Vanilla Extract
Making 4-ingredient protein popsicles


I am lactose intolerant, so I tried to keep these popsicles dairy-free. If you do not have a problem with lactose, please feel free to use the milk of your choice along with your favorite condensed milk in lieu of the coconut milk and coconut condensed milk I used. To make these even more creamy in texture, you could use a combination of heavy cream and condensed milk instead.

Easy 4 Ingredient Protein Popsicles

However, if you want to make these into healthier matcha popsicles, leave out the condensed milk and use some honey, agave, or maple syrup to sweeten these pops. Or, you could use your favorite zero-calorie sweetener, if you want to keep the sugar content of these popsicles close to 0g.

If you are in a hurry to make these and cannot wait for your shipment of Ella to make it to you, you could use a couple of teaspoons of matcha powder, but not green tea powder. These two differ greatly in taste and strength. If you want to read more about the differences between green tea powder and matcha, check out this article.

Not a fan of vanilla or don’t have any on hand? Use some cardamom instead. It’s not the same flavor as vanilla, but it does add a lovely taste to these popsicles.

Tasty Matcha Latte Popsicles

How do you make these matcha latte popsicles?

The prep time to make these is less than 3 minutes. Once you have gathered the four ingredients, there are a couple of ways you can go about mixing all the ingredients together:

1) Add all the ingredients to a blender, and blend on high for about 5-10 seconds.

Or, 2) Simply add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl or large measuring cup, mix them well with a whisk, an electric stick blender, or a frother.

Once the ingredients are mixed, pour the mixture into popsicle molds and chill for about 30-40 minutes in the freezer. At this point, grab some popsicle sticks and insert these into the semi-frozen popsicles. Unless you have the molds that come with the built-in sticks.

After the popsicle sticks have been inserted in, let them chill in the freezer until they are frozen through, which has taken a minimum of 2.5-3 hours for me. After that, they are ready to be enjoyed for dessert or an afternoon pick-me-up snack!

Healthy delicious 4-ingredient Matcha Popsicles

These matcha popsicles turned out so delicious. To me, they are such a tasty way to get a collagen, protein, and vitamin boost! I am hoping you love these as much as I do!

By the way, if you happen to love matcha, make sure to check out these other Matcha-laced recipes too!

Thanks so much for stopping by. If you make this recipe, please let me know in the comments below what you think of it, or tag your creation on social media with @savoryspin or #savoryspin. For more fusion, spice-filled, recipe ideas, please subscribe and follow me on FacebookInstagram, and/or Pinterest!

Healthy delicious 4-ingredient Matcha Popsicles

4-Ingredient Matcha Latte Popsicles

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Prep Time: 3 minutes
Freezing time: 3 hours
Servings: 6
Cost: $2
Author: Shashi
Made with just four ingredients, these protein-packed Matcha Latte Popsicles are a refreshing treat, perfect for summer!


  • 1.5 cup Coconut Milk Or, almond milk or a combination of coconut milk and almond milk
  • 1.5 scoops Ella Matcha Latte
  • 1 tbsp Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 3 tbsp Coconut condensed milk


  • Add the Coconut milk/almond milk, Ella Matcha Latte, Pure vanilla extract, and the coconut condensed milk to a blender.
  • Or, add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl or large measuring cup, mix them well with a whisk, an electric stick blender, or a frother.
  • Once the ingredients are mixed, pour the mixture into popsicle molds and chill for about 30-40 minutes in the freezer. At this point, grab some popsicle sticks and insert these into the semi-frozen popsicles. Unless you have the molds that come with the built-in sticks.
  • Let freeze for 2.5-3hours and then enjoy!


Serving: 1g | Calories: 164kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 11g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 51mg | Potassium: 148mg | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 25IU | Vitamin C: 16mg | Calcium: 35mg | Iron: 2mg
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