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  1. Years back I thought fresh cranberries were something you can munch on like grapes so I grabbed a bag and never bought one again lol! I love cranberries, just not the fresh fruit ironically. I think it’s time to put aside my aversion too! These mini tarts look amazing.

  2. I’m so sorry you have lost your Dad. Holidays are always hard when our parents are gone. Your Citrusy Cranberry Pear Sauce and Cranberry Cream Cheese Tartlets look delicious. Love how you have used the pear to take the edge off the tartness of the cranberries. =

  3. Hi Shashi, I saw your cranberry recipe yesterday on Google+, or was it Instagram? Lol wherever!

    Anyway I got really excited because it reminded me of the forthcoming holidays and all the Christmas bakes that are on their way!

    Super yummy pictures here of my favourite Christmas fruit. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Pears + cranberries sound like an amazing combination, Shashi! This totally makes me think of being inside on a cold winter day with the fireplace roaring away. Ok, maybe I just described Thanksgiving Day. These would make for an excellent addition to the Turkey Day table this year. I love baking with cranberries at this time of the year! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi friend – I know you are missing your dad. He would be so incredibly proud of you. The cranberry pear sauce looks absolutely amazing Shashi – must try. We will keep some Nexium 24 on hand too – great reminder. No one should have to miss out on any of the feastivities. We will be in PA for Thanksgiving with my Aunt Pinkie and extended family there. Have a wonderful week my friend. XOXO

  6. Cranberry and pear are the fruits very good for the health of older people, especially those with cardiovascular disease or diabetes. So I think your recipe citrusy cranberry pear sauce and cranberry cream cheese tartlets is so suitable for my parents. Thank you for yoru guide. Cranberry, pear and lemon is very great when going together. This create a flavor so enchanting with everybody. Really really love it. It will surely appear in my Christmas party!

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