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    1. Girl – am seriously thinking of moving out west! GAH this weather ain’t for this Sri-Lankan born gal!
      BTW – thanks so much and happy anniversary again!

  1. I’d like to know who comes up with these health trends! Raw water?! These people can’t be serious. I’d rather shell out a pretty penny for a bowl of this beautiful soup!

  2. No I definitely won’t be paying that much for raw Live Water either. I never heard of that movement until I just read that ..interesting LOL I first tried roasted sweet potato ginger soup last year have been hooked ever since! This recipe looks amazing can’t wait to try it!

  3. I heard about the “raw water” thing last week and all I could think was how truly dangerous it would be to drink untreated water. The whole reason it goes through treatment centers is because people have DIED from untreated water. Glad to see you’ve abstained from e-coli tainted H20 in this lovely soup!

  4. The weather has been terrible for the last 2 weeks around here. I’ve been making a lot of soup and can’t wait to try this one! Such a great combination!

  5. Umph. 30s as highs really is pretty cold down there. I hope you gals are staying bundled up! I see that you’ve got the delicious soup angle checked off already though. 🙂 I love using sweet potatoes as a soup base, and the ginger twist here would be quite tasty. I just heard about raw water yesterday, too…and it sounds like a total scam to me. I’ll stick with my filtered bottled water, thank you very much. Actually, check that, I just need to bottle this soup and then go about my business as usual! Haha!

    1. Haha – scam indeed! Having lived in Sri Lanka, am so NOT fan of “raw” water as I know it’s “cons” quite well! TMI I know! BTW, David, I need to keep writing about it being in the 30s as no sooner than I say that, we have highs in the 60s (yes that was yesterday and close to that again today) So crazy this weather!

  6. What a lovely vibrant colour! Reminds me of my Sweet Potato Garlic and Chilli soup. I’m intrigued about the flavour you would get from the spices here, yum! You are queen of the spices Shashi. And no, I definitely wouldn’t pay that much for water either based on the risk if might make me ill!! 🙂

    1. Oooh I remember seeing that GORGEOUS Sweet Potato and Garlic soup! Such an honor to hear this reminds you of that bowl, Neil! I hope you try this spice blend out – it added a nice little spicy kick to this soup!

  7. I just heard about this weird ‘raw water’ thing- crazy…not for this chicka!!! What is for this chicka, though, is this soup! The colour is like a sunset!! I love my soup thick too so I’m totally feeling the texture of this one. Can’t wait to see what more delicious recipes your bring us in 2018! XOXO

    1. Haha – that raw water craze is nuts! I’m surprised someone hasn’t come up with “imported” raw water from 3rd world countries! BTW – Thanks so much Dawn! Looking forward to seeing what deliciousness comes out of your kitchen in 2018 as well, sweet friend

    1. Thank you Bobbi! My mom often speaks of warming and cooling veggies but I had no idea sweet potatoes were considered warming ones – thanks for sharing that tidbit! Wishing you a healthy and happy 2018! xoxo

  8. Shashi, this soup looks ah-mazing!! Love that you made it super thick–that’s how I love my soups. You did make this for me, right?? Haha. It’s just the perfect way to kick off the year, nice and healthy. Hope you’re doing well, my friend. Big hugs. xoxo

  9. This soup looks absolutely mouthwatering! I’ve actually never had sweet potato soup before so I’m long overdue to give it a try!
    As far as raw water goes, I consider myself open-minded but this craze is too much for me. I moved to Portland, OR a couple years ago and discovered the city doesn’t put fluoride into the water source. That’s “raw” enough for me 🙂

  10. What a gorgeous soup my friend. I love it thick like this. Anything with ginger, count me in. We need all the warm things up here in the tundra. It’s been freezing, not to mention we are expecting 4-8″ of snow overnight. Of course the kids are psyched re: school. I’m a little concerned because all the boys (except Hudson) are at a Celtics game tonight and will be driving back from Boston in the white stuff. Anywho – loving this thick and filling soup. No, have not heard of raw water and sounds like I may not have missed much, except holding on to a few billion pesos in this craze. But thanks for the education. Now that you’ve told me about it, I’ll see raw water every which way I look . Happy New Year my friend. xo

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