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  1. I do love leeks and bacon – great combination and I often use the two together in a quiche. Your salad is very pretty and colourful and full of goodness xx

  2. Yay! You workout at 4am! You and me are in the 4am club Shashi!

    Love the smell of leeks and bacon cooking but you’ve taken that to a new level here with the addition of those mustard seeds. Plus I wouldn’t normally add ginger at the start. Must try that! 🙂

    1. YES to the 4AM workout club! 🙂
      Yes yes would love for you to try that – my mom grates ginger into her curries just after she adds onions to a pan, she lets them caramalize together and then deglazes and the smell is so swoonworthy! By the way – thank you Neil!

  3. I love leeks! I tried them for the first time not too long ago and wondered why I’d waited to long to try them. Leeks+bacon sounds like an excellent combination. Love that you wake up early to workout… I’ve been forcing myself to wake up at 5 instead of 7 the past couple of weeks and I actually sort of love it.. I agree it’s hard getting out of bed, but once I’m up, I feel great.

    1. When I work out first thing it really kinda sets the tone for the day – but that’s not always doable with my crazy schedule lately.
      Leeks indded are delicious! BTW Thanks so much Erin!

    1. Now I am so intrigued – I’ve never had leeks in soup before – in curry yes, but not in soup – even though potato leek soup is big here! 🙂
      Thanks so much Michelle!

  4. I’m most definitely part of the Team Lunch at Noon crowd. I feel guilty if I snack all day…even though it might be the exact same (or better) as eating at noon. Go figure! But what I don’t feel guilty about is this salad. It looks incredible! And there’s bacon in there. This reminds me that I should use leeks more often, too. I hope you and Lil Shashi have an amazing weekend!

    1. Thanks so much David!
      You know what, I always feel a bit guilty when I eat bacon, but all things in moderarion – though I just posted 2 recipes with bacon back to back almost! GAH!
      Hope your week is wonderful – hope the Spiced household is staying warm!

  5. I’m with you, it depends on the day or how much work I have but I am definitely on Team workout at 4am. Love having that quiet time before the kids wake up. This salad would be the perfect healthy meal! It looks so fresh and delicious!

  6. I’m definitely team Lunch At Noon. I love 3 meals a day and if I don’t get them, I’m a bear! 🙂 Life is soooo super crazy that these Lean Cuisines have been an amazing, delicious option for me lately! This salad looks amazing as well!!

  7. Shashi, leeks in a salad???? I freaking love this!!!! Gorgeous and delicious!!! I’m on both Team Snack-Allday and Team Lunch-at-Noon. 🙂 is that bad? I always try to eat lunch on time. . and I feel like I am also snacking on little things here and there all day but I keep meal portions small. I used to buy lean cuisines back in the day when I worked in an office. . love the new packaging design! or, it at least it looks new to me! new logo?

    1. Haha – no – it’s not bad at all! Whatever works for you right?
      I do think the packaging is new – and these new flavors are game changing!
      Thanks so much Alice

  8. Loving this sautéed salad and spices. This is much better for you than snacking all day and then crashing. It is the weekend here and I have been in the kitchen all morning feeding the boys and clearing out the refrigerator so will need to head to the market and get supplies to make your delicious salad.

  9. THIS GIRL ADORES LEEKS!!!!!!!! Seriously ADORES THEM. I really really love them with salmon, never had them with bacon, but um, what DOES NOT taste good with bacon? 😉

  10. I’m kind of with the team that says eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re not, and don’t think too much about it other than making some balanced choices. Like, I’ll eat that brownie! And then some. But I’ll also get my salad in, too. And if it’s a sauteed salad, so much the better!

  11. I am on both teams, some days I’m snack all day, and some days I’m a 3 meals type of girl. Just depends on my mood I guess. LOVING this salad, Shashi! You are right, not much to NOT love about this! Bacon, leeks, garlic and a touch of mustard?! I’m game! 🙂 Cheers, my dear! xo

  12. This is such a delicious way to make a salad Shashi! Perfect for staying healthy during the colder months too, as I can find it hard to eat cold salads when the weather is so chilly outside!!! I can’t wait to try this! Pinned!

  13. Yay! You workout at 4am! You and me are in the 4am club Shashi!

    Love the smell of leeks and bacon cooking but you’ve taken that to a new level here with the addition of those mustard seeds. Plus I wouldn’t normally add ginger at the start. Must try that! 🙂

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