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  1. Shashi, you have stumped me on this one! I honestly can’t think of a single ingredient. Either way, it does look good & surprisingly very close to what cheesecake actually looks like. A+ for you my dear friend ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Good guesses Angie – I haven’t worked with soaked cashews – am so intrigued by some of the recipes I have seen using them…the reveal will be tomorrow – by the way, glad your comments are not going to spam anymore – yay to Genesis Theme!

    1. Thanks so very much Ashley! I love your cookie cup posts ๐Ÿ™‚
      I will reveal the mystery ingredient tomorrow – please come back then…

  2. Ehehe! Today is a good day for cheesecakes, I guess ๐Ÿ˜‰ But you’ve got me stumped with this one, Shashi! I want to say some kind of special nut flour (coconut? almond?), but I’m also leaning towards tofu. Gah! Whatever it is, it looks soooo good. I’m obsessed with the texture! I hope you spill the beans soon!

  3. I ADORE cheesecake. A healthier version with more protein…sign me up! I have no idea about the mystery ingredient, but after reading a few people guess “tofu” it makes sense! I can’t wait to find out! –Lisa

    1. Awesome guesses Suzanne – but I haven’t worked with cashews before but am so intrigued to try…I will do my best to post the reveal by tomorrow evening ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Yeah, I’m never going to be able to come up with the mystery ingredient. I suck at desserts, BUT this looks delicious and I can’t wait for the recipe because I’m going to try it!

  5. I’m totally stumped on this one!! Can’t wait to see what you subbed to make cheesecake a winner for you again!

  6. That looks very patriotic. Having just made a vegan cheesecake, I’m going to guess cashews???

    1. Good guess Charlie – I haven’t worked with cashews – your cashew cheesecake had me mesmerized! It’s on my “to-make” list!

  7. Man, I am stumped here! And I love to bake…so this one is getting to me! Tell me first…not Chris! ๐Ÿ™‚

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