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  1. I haven’t had meringue cookies in foreverrrrr. These are so beautiful! I agree that blogging is amazing (well, for many reasons) but I love the people I’ve “met” aaaand the people I’ve been fortunate enough to meet in real life. It’s crazy and amazing.

  2. Oh wow, these cookies ARE totally mesmerizing, Shashi!! Turning a meringue into a cookie is absolutely genius… which is something I have come to expect from you! You always deliver, my dear! These are almost too pretty to eat… almost, because who am I kidding? I NEED that blueberry meringue cookie in my belly ASAP! Love these! Pinned!
    P.s. Totally checking out @cookingwithlemon! Thanks for the 411! Cheers, dear! xo

  3. These are stunning Sashi. I had to stop by immediately. I can almost feel the crunch and the tart and sweet blackberries. This is pure perfection.
    I agree, it’s such a fantastic community and so much support. I definitely will be checking cookingwithlemon, so much fun.
    Hope you are doing well my dear. Hugs.

  4. Meringue cookies with a ribbon of blackberry jam running through. Sounds just delightful and perfect for springtime brunches and luncheons. No wonder your daughter ate 6. And good thing I am far away because I probably would’ve eaten MORE!! These cookies could definitely be the delicious base for many fruity combinations. Hope you had a wonderful Easter, Shashi. We headed down to RI after church and spent it with my extended family. Late night getting home and it was hard to drag everyone out of bed for school this morning. BUT WORTH IT! xo

  5. haha I liked that transition! These meringue cookies sound fantastic – I loveeee blackberry anything!! Hope you had a great weekend Shashi!!

  6. I love these!

    Meringues always make me think of summer. But that’s the larger ones.

    So I love how you’ve made these delightful little meringue cookies. I could make these and have them as little snacks at work! Brilliant.

  7. I love meringue anything really, but I especially love meringue cookies. They bring back happy childhood memories.
    I also happen to love blackberry anything…so you got me.
    Love all of this!!


  8. How in the heck did I miss this post, Shashi? (Stupid Bloglovin…) I’m glad I stumbled across this one though as I love blackberries. Like I could eat a whole carton of blackberries and still want more. These cookies look super fancy, and I can see why lil Shashi enjoyed ’em so much. I hope she saved me some though! 🙂

  9. Thanks for turning me on to that father daughter duo, what a kick each of them are! I just put you on my Bloglovin group because I don’t want to miss out. These look beautiful, but not too beautiful to eat. I’d eat plenty if thep late was in front of me.
    Great recipe with all sorts of fruit jam switch ups I see happening. Thanks Shashi

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