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  1. Those cookies look so cute and I love that they are actually healthy! I haven’t had a Capri Sun in probably 15 years but boy did I have a lot throughout my childhood! Glad that they’re adding less sugar now!

  2. I’ve been throwing the idea of using beets for red velvet around my taste buds…but now you have done the hard work for me! Those cookies are SO cute…and I kind of want to come to your party…totally diggin’ that menu! Pinned!

    1. Thanks so much Taylor! If you are not a huge fan of beets, you won’t really taste them in the cookies with chocolate – instead of me telling you – lady, you better come on down and taste test them for your “face hole”! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I knew I could count on you making red velvet the authentic way…with beets! I’ve never tried this route, but I think I might eventually be inspired by all the beet-liciousness that you keep throwing my way. I love that Valentine’s Day is on a Saturday this year, too! Time to party like it’s 1999! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks David – but I don’t have red food coloring in the house – so beets will have to do!;)
      In the process of my daughter “helping” me with these beet dishes – she had this idea to use beets and cocoa to make it look like she cut her hand – she took a picture and sent it to friends and family and within seconds both our phones started blowing up – and she couldn’t stop laughing!

  4. What a feast! The hangout sounds like so much fun and the food looks amazing! My daughter recently had her first Capri Sun at a friend’s house and she loved it!

    1. Thanks so much Sonali – I think my daughter had her first Capri Sun at a friends house too – she had her first ice cream at this same friends house…hmmm!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I’m loving the rustic spread! And everything on the menu, too. It’s been a while since I’ve had a “hangout,” but I’d be more than happy to come to one like this ๐Ÿ˜‰ Me and my mom have a tradition of exchanging Valentine’s cards every year… the boxed kind that are meant for school kids ๐Ÿ˜† I don’t know how it started, but we’ve been doing that for as long as I can remember along with some chocolate or a bag of candies. It’s nice to have those traditions ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Aww – you are so right, Amanda – I love your’s and your mom’s exchange of boxed V-day cards and chocolate! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

    1. Come on over Melanie – though the last time my daughter had her friends over -there wasn’t much leftover – so you might wanna get here early! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. This is the CUTEST idea I have ever seen for Valentines day! I love how you and you’re daughter have a tradition like that ๐Ÿ™‚ And seriously props to you mom of the year for throwing a “hangout” like this LOL I wish I could join! But on another note, my boyfriend is coming into town V-day weekend and I’m loving the idea of doing something like this…just with the addition of wine of course ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks so much Jenna!
      Yes, February is a GREAT month for beets – I know I have shared more beet recipes this month than I did in the last 6 months of 2014!

  7. You are the best mom ever! I totally want to come to your party! Everything looks incredible! Love those red velvet cookies and beet grilled cheese – so pretty and creative!

  8. I’m going to be the wet blanket and tell you that I hate Valentines Day and refuse to spend an inkling buying chocolates or anything in heart or red form ๐Ÿ™‚
    Ok, so not completely true. I always tell my hubby I don’t want flowers or chocolate on VDay but we end up getting the kids some thing, it’s more of a kids holiday anymore anyway.
    Just like this party…..I mean hangout. Totally a fun idea!

    1. Nazneen – I am not a huge fan of Valentine’s day either – but, since my daughter was a toddler, I have loved to see the excitement she feels – us parents, we are always suckers for our kid’s happiness right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. This looks like it is going to be a smashingly fun party. Love your beet cookies of course and a little melted chocolate to dip in some fruit is always a good idea. Have fun! Sharing, of course!

  10. Beet grilled cheese??? This sounds so strange… in the best way possible!!
    Also, I remember capri sun from my school days. I used to LOVE those juices!

  11. What a great idea – so fun to have a “hangout” to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I want to hear if all the girls (and guys?) like the beet grilled cheese sandwiches!!!

    1. Kim – I was telling Maureen, I’ve fed my daughter’s friends these beet sandwiches before and at first the color weirds them out – but after a bite – i usually don’t hear too many complaints ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Wow, Sashi the spread looks so adorable. Your girl is so lucky, she has a nice sweet mumma to throw a V day party for her with her friends. Your beet collection is amazing sweety and so is this sandwich.
    I keep caprisun for the boy’s lunch box…they do like it.
    Hope the kiddos love it.

    1. Thanks so very much Asha! We do love beets in this house – beets and chocolate and beets and cheese are favorites! Hope you and your family had a wonderful weekend!

  13. It’s been a long time since I’ve been allowed to play with teenagers – what fun and like Kim, I want to know what they say about the beet cheese sandwiches. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think they sound wonderful.

    1. Hahaha – Maureen – anytime you wanna play with teenagers, hop on a plane and skip on over! I have actually made the beet sandwiches before – and fed them to my daughter’s friends – at first quite a few of them were weirded out by the color – but after a bite – i usually don’t hear too many complaints.

  14. haha hangouts … I still sooo call them parties. Guess I’m not so young or hip ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love this spread you put together and those cookies!! I have so many roasted beets right now … I need to make me some cookies!

  15. Isn’t it funny how once they become teenagers, everything changes. Here they’re called ‘Gatherings’ and I used to dread them. Your party sounds very well planned xx

    1. Charlie – you are so right – the biggest change is the lingo – sometimes my daughter texts me stuff I cannot make head or tail of! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks so much! xx

  16. Can I come over for Valentines- I’ll bring chocolate ;)! My aunt told me she just found a bag of brown rice flour in the store near her place- sending her this recipe, especially as she has been on a baking spree lately! The mention of Capri Sun takes me back to my childhood- I was hooked on the apple flavour…good to know it still exists!

  17. No Valentine’s Day tradition here. Maybe a candlelight dinner? Uhm, I am not sure… your red velvet cookies would be perfect!

  18. Gotta say, I love that your daughter REQUESTED beet grilled cheese! You’ve taught her well. Also, these heart cookies are ADORABLE! You did such a great job with them!

  19. haha your daughter is cute. ^.^
    Yeah I am into beet too right now. I think so beet is going to be the valentines veggies in the future. People will think that beets are part of the valentines “tradition” in a few years and we bloggers will be the cause of this. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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