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  1. What a fun post, Shashi! I always love hearing about Ollie and Tawny! Lil Shashi definitely is a dog whisperer if she was able to housetrain a puppy in just two weeks…that’s super impressive! I definitely know the importance of keeping carpet cleaning supplies on hand, so thanks for sharing Stainmaster. I’ll have to pick some up on my next trip to Target! 🙂

  2. Oh my word – Ollie is so adorable. SO!!!! My kids have been begging for a puppy for years. We have tons of allergies and so I always thought we couldn’t have a dog. Then the two with the worst allergies got tested in December, Charlie and me. And guess what. We are NOT allergic to dogs. We are highly allergic to both kinds of dust mites, molds and cockroaches. COCKROACHES!!!! I haven’t seen a cockroach in years, since I lived in the south but apparently they are rampant in warehouses that store food all over the country, and their “remnants” come in on grocery cans from the store. TMI. A word to the wise. Wash your cans from the grocery store! Anyway, back to the puppy, once our house gets sold and we find a new place, we will prob. get a puppy or a kitten. My kids will be so thrilled, and I will be so glad to have these training and stain removal tips and know about this great Stainmaster Carpet Pet Stain remover product. Thanks for the tips!

  3. What a great list of house training techniques! I have house trained two dogs in my time and still learned something new 🙂 STAINMASTER® Carpet Pet Stain Remover is the perfect addition to your puppy training arsenal! #client

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