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  1. These looks super chewy and delicious and a real POWER bar! Sometimes you just need a little quick protein packed snack to get you through the day and this would be perfect. Traffic in Atlanta is maddening when the expressways are open. Don’t even want to think about what it would be like during construction or closed.

  2. I love this recipe, it includes some of my favorite snacks like pure peanut butter and medjool dates. I make my own peanut butter at home, just peanuts and maybe a bit of salt. I’ve always found peanut butter disgusting until I’ve made it myself, I find that sweet version of it which can be bought everywhere unpalatable.

  3. Haha! Gobsmacked is such a great word. Just had to point that out! So they’ve already reopened that portion of 85? That is crazy ahead of schedule! They must have worked around the clock…and that is SO unlike Atlanta. Hah! I remember seeing that on the news up here, too. It made national news for sure, and I remember thinking, “oh man, that is going to be a huge headache for the Monday morning commute.” These bars would have been the perfect thing to pack for a car trip…especially when dealing with traffic. (I’m actually having a minor breakdown right now just remembering driving in Atlanta. Haha!) That Crazy Richard’s PB is so cool. One ingredient? I need to try that out sometime! These bars are like the real-deal snack bar. 🙂

  4. I love the name of these bars, Shashi :)!! How could they not make you smile? And what a perfect road trip snack. I would go on a road trip JUST to have these, lol. But, then again, having for breakfast is pretty sweet too, especially with coffee 🙂 Cheers to a fabulous weekend, my friend! XO

  5. You sure were gobsmacked a few times recently, my friend. And now I am too. These bars look fabulous and I love the date sweetener and natural peanut butter. I had heard about that fire on I-85 in Atlanta. Crazy. I heard that it was a bunch of utility cables that were coiled underneath the bridge that caught fire and really got the flames wild. Too bad and what a shame, but I was glad to hear that there were no injuries related to the fire. I used to use that bridge when we lived in the south and would come in to Atlanta. Well, hope all is well with you my friend. If nothing else, I know you are eating well with these delicious bars on hand. XOXO

  6. Yes, yes and yes! Pinned.

    Shashi, you know I am always looking for new bars for hillwalking expeditions and these are absolutely perfect, thank you!

    That’s shocking about that I-85 in Atlanta bridge being closed down because of the fire. I actually went and Googles about it just to look at the pictures! Anyway, at least it’s not something you have to care about too much anymore. You’ve done your time, haven’t you? 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  7. The second I read “peanut butter oat bar,” I just knew this was gonna be GOOD!! Shashi, my friend, you know how I just love my peanut butter and oat combos! This looks utterly delicious! Btw, I totally love Crazy Richard’s peanut butter! I always buy it in bulk. Lol. What a fantastic recipe you’ve created! I’ll be dreaming about them all weekend!

  8. I remember that they had the bridge closes, so bad!!! Glad you made it to the conference and had great time there. These bars look super delicious! Love them!

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