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  1. Ooo I’m so intrigued by the vanilla! And I really need to start making enough rice for leftovers so I can make fried rice the next day. So good!

  2. I have never had vanilla in a savory dish at least to my knowledge. This sounds really delicious. I am not the most adventurous cook but do use spices etc that are primarily used in sweet recipes in savory dishes so vanilla sounds like the next one I will try. Vanilla infused rice sounds wonderful.

  3. I have never had vanilla in fried interesting! And wow…I love how colourful and beautiful this looks.

  4. I always think I’ve seen it all on your blog, Shashi (in a good way of course!) but then you come up with another super creative idea. Rice and vanilla? Now that’s a new one to me, but it sounds great!

  5. Wow, so pretty and sounds amazing. I wouldn’t have paired vanilla with the other ingredients but it sounds intriguing!

  6. Vanilla infused rice, eh? I’m intrigued! I must admit that I’ve never combined vanilla with rice…but I do love fried rice. I think I need to give this vanilla-fied version a shot! It looks delicious, Shashi!!

  7. What a unique idea! :O I never would’ve thought to put vanilla + rice together–I’m definitely gonna have to try that out! I love all the pretty colors! :]!

  8. What a great idea for a one skillet meal, Shashi! I have never tried vanilla infused rice (only in rice pudding, LOL) and I an utterly intrigued. I must try this dish soon as I have been truly missing out! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week ahead, my friend! xo

    1. Thank you so much sweet friend! Hope you have a wonderful week too – now I wish I had some vanilla rice to make some rice pudding with… 🙂

  9. I love the colors of this fried rice! I’ve been meaning to try your vanilla infused rice and using it for this fried rice is so creative! It looks beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much Kelly – I love a colorful plate – besides,when there are more colors on there, my daughter doesn’t pay too much attention to the kale! 🙂

  10. This is such a delicious repurposing of that scrumptious sounding rice! I bet you could so many wonderful things with it!

    1. Thank you Alanna – Ilove friedrice sometimes as it’s not only easy but quick too – provided you have some leftover rice lying around.

  11. I’ve never had vanilla infused rice unless it was in a rice pudding! I’d love to try this. And I do love a one-pan meal – so much less washing up. Your dinner looks very colourful xx

  12. Bright and vibrant with loads of flavour and colour. I like how you used lots of veggies and just a little bit of rice. Gorgeous photos and sharing everywhere, of course!

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