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  1. A taste of ice cream in the morning? I want in…even if we ain’t actually eating the real deal ;)! When I lived in London, I used to buy Muller Light yogurts by the dozen. I know they are filled with sweeteners but they tasted so good, especially the vanilla & caramel flavours!

    1. I am a huge fan of vanilla – I don’t think I’ve ever tried the caramel – Muller is a wonderfully indulgent treat, specially these new ice cream inspired ones – and seeing my lactose intolerant gut won’t let me eat the real deal – these will have to do 😉

  2. I’ve been really tired this week and I’ve fought it every day. I’m not sleeping well and then I push myself from early morning. Maybe if I had these pancakes then went to bed with a book I’d feel better. 🙂

    1. Maureen – now these pancakes as dessert is such a brilliant idea! I am gonna go make me some right now! 😉
      I hope and pray John is feeling better.

  3. Whoa whoa whoa. HOLD UP. Ice Cream inspired yogurt? AND IN A PANCAKE?
    You KNOW that I am 110% all over these. I seriously need to find that yogurt because…HOLY YUM.
    And that is totally something my dog would do. Little buggers.

    1. Hahaha – when it snowed here last year, Taylor, I had “yellow” snow on my deck!!! GAH!!!! But then again – if my “bathroom” was outdoors, I might need some Depends or something… 😉
      Thanks so much lady! I hope you find this yogurt there – it is so creamy and decadent!

  4. Totally digging these pancakes, Shashi! They look delicious. Also, we have definitely had those mornings where the dogs decided to decorate our back deck, too. That usually is followed by me getting a bucket of water to dump on the back deck. The aforementioned water then turns to ice within a short period of time…and then the dogs slide across it later. So their plan kinda comes back to bite them in the rear…haha! Oh, and I hear ya about being tired. This week has been rough!!

    1. Hahahaha! Oh my – I just had a visual of your dogs slipping and sliding over that water! I so need to try that (when my daughter is not looking – she babies our dogs way too much!)
      If temperatures here were like they were in Upstate NY – I would have called my boss and told him I was going into hibernation – till April!
      Btw – Thanks David! Hope you and Laura had a wonderful weekend!

  5. That yogurt sounds amazing and these pancakes look so yummy! I hope you get to rest and relax this weekend 🙂

  6. I’m slowly falling in love with pancakes. I never used to like them before because they felt dry and bland. But I’ve learned ways around that now and I’m sure these are way beyond bland! Never used yogurt with pancakes. YUM!

    1. I used to not like those restaurant pancakes because I thought they were bland – but when I make them at home, I have total freedom to doctor them up the way I want!
      Btw, thanks so much Melanie!

  7. These look amazing!!! You have managed to bundle all of my favorite breakfast foods into 1 dish!! I will have to try this! 🙂

  8. It’s always tough right after the holidays especially the first week of January. These pancakes look perfect for getting that special “me” time. They look amazing and I love the Müller yogurt in here! Hope you are able to get some rest this weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Kelly – it’s funny how it takes me so long to get used to going back to my 9-5 office job, but I it takes me hardly any time to get used to being on vacation from it! 😉
      Hope you and your family are are having a wonderful 2015 my friend!

  9. Ice cream inspired yogurt?! No.WAY. You guys get all the good stuff down there! I have no doubt that this yogurt won’t find itself into our grocery stores for at LEAST another few years. Pft. And these pancakes look fantastic, Shashi. I’m a HUGE fan of oatmeal pancakes… even more so when yogurt is involved 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Amanda – you kind words mean a lot coming from the Queen of yogurt pancakes! 🙂
      Well, only one thing to do – come visit and take a refrigerated truckload of these back home with ya – though these days its been below or at freezing even here in the South! GAH!

  10. Now that’s a great stack of pancakes!! I’ve never heard of Muller Ice cream yogurt, but now I need to find them! Thanks for the review and the recipe! Oh…and Happy 2015!!!

  11. Pancakes are perfect for me moments because they are easy to make and clean up! Love that you used the yogurt in the batter! So smart! It is dang cold down here! I barely want to walk to the car. Sooo I’m not sure how I’ll survive in NYC, but I can figure that out next week 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Lindsey! Hey – it’s warming up a tad – we are finally above freezing! woohoo!
      Though I spoke to my cousins in Jersey yesterday and they said they were still under a blanket of snow with temps in the high 30’s! If I was there I might have fleece lined EVERYTHING!!! Safe travels and cannot wait to hear how culinary school is! xxs

  12. I love these pancakes, so much healthier than the regular kind. And these days, I think we’re all trying to do little substitutions that don’t seem like much of a sacrifice but make all the difference around the waistline. The idea of using yogurt and oatmeal, awesome. And the kids will love these =)

    1. Thanks so much Laura! Yes – you re right about the kids loving it – I had no complaints about eating breakfast from my 16 year old daughter!

  13. I need to take more me moments … I get so caught up in everything that has to be done, but I really need to stop and relax and breathe more often!!

    These pancakes look amazing Shashi! I’ve gotten really into pancakes again lately and these have my name written all over them!

    1. Thanks so much, Ashley – stopping and relaxing and breathing is something I am trying to do more of myself! Here’s hoping we both get to have more Me Moments in 2015 🙂

  14. Life can definitely get crazy at times…but at least we always have pancakes! I’m sure they are extra delicious with this yogurt addition!

  15. These pancakes look wonderful and I love that you topped them with yogurt. I never thought of doing that. Going to have to try this yogurt ASAP. My go to breakfast is a banana with a little peanut butter and a dollop of yogurt. These flavors would be perfect!

  16. Life gets crazy at times (if not always) and pancake moments are crucial in order to get by. These looks crazy good my dear friend!
    And I love that yogurt brand: it’s amazing!

    1. Thanks so much Mike! I must say, sometimes just saying the word “pancakes” or the word “cupcakes” get me by …maybe cos they both en in “cakes”???
      Have you tried their new Ice cream inspired line yet? so dang decadent!!!

  17. Most excellent recipe for pancakes, my friend! Everything you make is irresistible…and, healthier! I love that these are oatmeal pancakes and that you added yogurt. Cannot wait to try this one on a lazy weekend morning! Thanks for sharing, my friend. Have a fabulous rest of the week! xo

    1. Stacy – you are so incredibly kind!!! Thank you for your sweet comments and I am still trying to get over your thank you post! You rock!
      Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week too

  18. The weather can really be a downer. The stack of goodness is for sure to brighten anyone’s day. I love the recipe Sashi. I will have to make them soon. Have a warm week. Pinning this.

  19. These sound so delicious and look yummy too! I have a question though: for those of us who can’t find the yogurt you use in the pancakes, can we use regular yogurt or Balkan style yogurt? I’d really want to try these 🙂 Thanks for the recipe!

  20. I usually eat plain natural yogurt with no sugar added (when I eat something supposed to be healthy I want the whole package of benefits) but I like to use a more indulgent yogurt to bake a cake and prepare my pancakes. These yogurt oatmeal pancakes scream yumminess!

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