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  1. Dear Shashi, I’ve never even tasted jicama and I’m not sure what it even looks like. I do have several recipes for muffins and bread with zucchini, so I think I get the idea. (FYI – Jon came in with our first zucchini from the garden this morning and it was almost the size of a baseball bat. Oops.) So I’ll definitely be on the lookout for jicama at the grocery store and get educated. I learn a lot here, and that’s one of the reasons I love to drop by. Plus I like to see what you and your daughter are up to. Hope you had a nice 4th and are easing into the week after the holiday. Always a challenge. For me anyway. XO

  2. Wow. Jicama? I had to look that up! But it always inspires me when I see recipes with ingredients / produce that I don’t know about.

    I need to come to your house so you can cooked these for me though, Not just because your recipe looks amazing, but because I don’t think I can get jicama here in the U.K.

  3. I’ve only ever eaten jicama raw, too, Shashi! In fact, I had no idea you could bake with it. Now I’m totally going to be thinking about these muffins for the rest of the day. Oh, who am I kidding? I think about muffins all day long on a normal day…but now I’ll just be thinking twice as hard about them. Hah! And the blueberry addition is awesome. Perfect for summer!

  4. Oh wow! Jicama name is so new to me, before that I knew them only as Mexican turnip. Thank you for a nice addition to my vocabulary, shashi. And pairing jicama with blueberry is pure genius. I am so intrigued that I so want to rush to market to but them and make these muffins! I bet they tasted. divine.

  5. I too have only had them cold in salads, that’s what grabbed my attention to read this one. It’s like a cross between a apple and potato to me. Love the crunch. Your idea rocks and with the streusel topping I’m in! Have a great weekend.

  6. I have never had jicama in my life (I don’t even know if I could find it here) but I’ve been more curious about baking with zucchini lately!

  7. I personally love jicama, but I have NEVER thought to bake with it either!! Leave it to you to be so clever! I bet these muffins taste amazing, Shashi! Blueberries with the jicama and the cinnamon and cardamom streusel topping!! YUMMMMM! Seriously, I could devour a few dozen of these for breakfast! Cheers, lovely! To a weekend as fabulous as you! xo

  8. I would have loved to have seen a photo of the jicama because I’ve never heard of it. I wonder if it’s something we can get here in Oz or maybe it is here but is sold under a different name! It’s great how you’ve been able to add it to your muffins as it sounds like it has terrific nutritional value. Your muffins look amazing xx

  9. Can I admit something to you, Shashi? I actually had to look up what ‘jicama’ was because I had absolutely no idea!

    I reckon a ‘British’ equivalent might be a turnip? And I can definitely imagine that working well in a muffin. Great idea as always!

  10. “jicamuffins” <– WOAH! Mind-blown. I've never heard of this, but it sure sounds fun! 🙂 Shashi, the second this page loaded and I saw *just* the top of the first muffin, I was drooling. I'm seriously thinking you angled that muffin right at me, so I could pluck it right out of my computer screen. Right? 😉
    It was so fun hearing about your brief stint working at that salad bar. More stories please! Like, did any funny business occur? I like to hear about my Shashi before she got to blogging. Like, how did she become this funny? This cool of a mom? It all relates, I like to think. 🙂 Anyway, have a great week my friend! Pinning. xo

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