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    1. Kim – in my hypothetical situation – the dogs stayed home! We have 2 big ones and they would eat ALL our food if they were stranded with us! GAH!

  1. Cookies for breakfast? Why did you wait until I was old to tell me cookies for breakfast were okay?? 🙂

  2. Uff someone ate my comment so let me try again! You know I’m a big fan of the coffee/chocolate combo so i am all over these cookies. Would I be able to count them as 1 of my 3 foods for the island?? That’s a good question though…and a difficult one to say the least! I’m thinking I should add something savoury to the mix- too much sweet doesn’t fare well with me!

  3. I would have to go with almond butter, greek yogurt and sweet potatoes… complete nutrition, right?

  4. As tempting as it would be to select dog food, I think I have to go with your choices here. Coffee is a must. So is chocolate. Except I might go with cinnamon for my 3rd choice…although cinnamon isn’t so hot just by itself. Maybe pineapple instead. Yes, pineapple!

    1. I don’t have any explanation for the dog food – it blows my mind and churns my stomach when she throws a couple pieces in her mouth – just to make me squeam!
      YAASSS to pineapple!!!

  5. Breakfast at your house, Shashi! You always have the best healthy breakfast treat recipes! I am shocked that peanut butter didn’t make your list, but I bet it is close behind at #4! Chocolate would be my #1 pick. I could live on it alone. Thanks for sharing, my friend. Have a great week! xo

    1. Come on over for breakfast anytime Stacy – but you gotta bring some of your famous buttercream frosting – deal?
      You sure are right Stacy – nutbutters are definitely #4 on that list 😉
      Hope you are having a wonderful week my friend

    1. Haha – Thalia – you not only whip up some amazing eats, but you can also read minds – as I would love these for breakfast EVERYDAY too! 🙂

  6. Came here from the SITS Girl Sharefest…

    HAVE MERCY, I need to try this recipe!! I LOVE chocolate…and my drink of choice is a mocha. So these cookies + the fact they are gluten free? Perfect!! 😀

    My top 3 foods would be iced coffee (is that a food?), peanut butter and my homemade mac-n-cheese!

    -Andri (

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