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  1. You are one brave woman, doing your own flooring! Last time my OH and I discussed changing up our floors, we ended up veto-ing the whole idea altogether. Mind you, wallpaper is hard enough for us as non-DIYers.
    Love the sneaky addition of veggies to make these more suitable for breakast, and the zero sugar. Great idea!

  2. I can only imagine how good your house must have smelled while these cookies were baking! I bet it smelled like Fall! I also want to eat that entire tray of cookies. But flooring, eh? So nice of lil Shashi to ‘forgo doing her homework’ to help you! (Tough choice there…) We redid our kitchen floor in Atlanta, and it turned out quite well…but I had a buddy helping who knew what he was doing. I would have been lost out there on my own! Maybe next time I need flooring work, I’ll bake a batch of cookies and invite lil Shashi to take a day away from the nearby college campus to come help! Haha!

  3. You definitely earned these pretty cookies, Shashi! I mean, wow, new flooring?! That’s seriously impressive stuff! Yay for a You Tube University edumacation! Seriously, I’m practically smelling all of those spices in these cookies right now, they sound so delicious. I need!

  4. Go you! I’m zero percent handy, so tearing up and installing new flooring sounds terrifying (though, maybe with some YouTube help it wouldn’t be sooooo bad). One thing I’m totally ok with? Breakfast cookies, always and forever.

  5. I’m with you in the 80/20 rule when it comes to life! And ummm YOU GO GIRL! I can’t believe you replaced the floors yourself! Seriously, I am bowing down at your DIY self! I would have done the demolition no problem, but I would have given up after that. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Good thing you had these fabulous breakfast cookies to fuel your DIY flooring fire! Anytime I can have cookies for breakfast, I am game, so I am loooooving these!! I mean carrot cake cookies?! HECK YES! Love that you added ‘naners to these! And those warming spices just sound perfect! I need to bake me up a batch of these pronto! Cheers, lovely! xo

  6. I’m impressed you guys did the floor yourself!! I am soooo not handy and would probably make a giant mess haha And these breakfast cookies! Pass me a few please!!

  7. I’m a big fan of carrot cake so I am game for breakfast cookies. Love that there is no processed sugar in these because who really needs that much sugar first thing in the day.

  8. Shashi, I’ve sent you an invitation for a fancy party I’m having soon. It doesn’t involve many people. Indeed, it’s going to be only our house, you, and a list of things need to be done/renovated:) Sure, I’ll provide some fancy food. And please bring these delicious carrot banana cookies with you. Pecans, cardamom, and under 100 calories? I’ll take 5…or 10 cause breakfast is an important part of all meals, right?:)

  9. “after edumacating myself at Youtube University” <– Shashi, THIS!!! My mom and my sister would totally agree with this and send you SO many high-fives! They love learning all the things from TY. Lol.
    Yep, demo work is so much easier than installs. Lol. It's never quite as easy to build as it is to destroy–alright, let's dial it back before we get too philosophical here. Ha. Meanwhile, these cookies look amazing my friend. So soft, so moist and so perfectly delish for breakfast. Yoy know I can't resist an amazing cookie for breakfast. Plus that frosting is totally making me faint right now! Send some over? Hope you and your kiddo have an awesome weekend my dear. xoxo

  10. Loving how thick and chewy your breakfast carrot cake cookie are! I bet you found all kinds of muscles you never knew you even had this weekend redoing the floor. Good for you!

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