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  1. Wow, those look so good. I had no idea regarding aged cheese and lactose intolerance. Amazing and I am sure lots of cheese loving lactose intolerant people will do the happy dance. Those grit cakes sound and look delicious, love grits and love cheese a great recipe from Chef Caitlin.

  2. I miss DA CHEESE!! I haven’t had cheese in 13 years and I can only remember what it tastes like when I smell it…… If I were around when there were cooking, oh man, you would hear some interesting groans from me! LOL!

  3. Yum I totally have cornmeal that is just sitting here… never thought to make grit cakes. Totally pinning to try!

  4. Yay, this looks like so much fun! So glad you got to join this awesome dining experience! These grit cakes look amazing and sound perfect with those cupcakes and sundaes you had too 🙂

  5. Omigosh Shashi, it was such.a.treat. to get to feed you and Geri. Thank you for the love note that is this post. And THANK YOU for bringing your energy and openness to the table. We look forward to the next time… Caitlin + Kelly (but you can call me Heather 😉 )

    1. Awww Kelly (aka Heather btw, I am so so sorry for calling you Heather)- thank you and Caitlin so much for such a wonderful evening! Geri and I had a blast! Wish you and your sis and y’alls families a wonderful Christmas and Happy 2015! Hoping our paths cross again! xxs

    1. Melanie – I was so humbled to have been able to be part of this – it was a truly amazing evening!
      Hope December is treating you well too! xxs

  6. Sounds like you had a super fun night Shashi and so much great food. Those cheddar puffs with tomato jam sounds like they were the real deal.
    About grits, I’m certainly not the biggest fan but yours look pretty legit.

    1. Mike – that tomato jam was so awesmazing! I used to not be a fan of grits – being here in Atlanta – grits are free flowing everywhere – but I never could develop a taste for them – then Chef Caitlin made these grits cakes and well – now am a convert – though don’t think I could eat a bowl of grits straight up yet!

  7. What an awesome night, Shashi! Anything involving cheddar and grits just has my name written all over it. We need to talk to poor Mike about his aversion to grits. He just needs to taste some good grits so he knows what good Southern food is all about, right? 🙂

    1. David – I used to abhor grits so I can understand Mike’s “issues” well – but these grits cakes were like no grits I had tasted before – Chef Caitlin is pure genius to come up with them – d she is from the North! 🙂

  8. hey Shashi! what a fun night!! I love things like this! I wonder if Madison has something similar. . these cheddar capped grits cakes look SO GOOD!!! and love that you and your sister were able to celebrate your daughter’s birthday! love when family gets together!

    1. Thanks so much Alice – yes, surprise family get togethers are the best! I am not sure if they will be coming to Madison or if there will be any others – they did mention they were going to take a break for the holidays for now.

  9. These sound so good – interesting about aged cheeses being ok for lactose intolerance – my husband is lactose intolerant so I’m sure he’d love to know that.

    1. Jeanette – I ate a ton of cheddar and Gouda that night – but I was a-ok in the hours following and I am very sensitive to lactose…hope your hubs fairs well with any aged cheeses he tries.

  10. Sounds like you had a great day, Shashi! You’ve spurred me on to look up grits now and find out what they are. I’ve heard of them but have no idea what they are!! Hahaha … I bet that seems strange to you! I take your word for it though that these cakes are tasty … they certainly look it!

    1. No Helen I dont think that’s strange at all – grits is a Southern American thing (heck I didn’t really know that much about Thanksgiving till I came to the USA) – i hope you manage to find some cornmeal cos these cakes were pretty fantastic!

  11. What a great sounding experience! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

    I’ve never been the biggest fan of grits but I’ve never thought to use them in cakes like these! They look so good!

  12. This sounds like such a blast of an evening- what a great experience! I’ve never made grits or grit cakes but you have me intrigued- fortunately I have all the ingredients at home too! Am I wrong in thinking that these are kinda similar to cheese puffs?

  13. It’s always fabulous when you have pre-conceptions but then what you thought is turned on its head. I’m so glad you gained a lot from this experience. The grit cakes look amazing. I’ve never made anything like this but would love to give them a try xx

  14. The Cheddar capped grits looks awesome Shashi!! I loved the golden yellow color of it, I am sure this will be a party pleaser. I am surprised not a single drop of oil is used and yet it came out so perfectly.

  15. Sounds like you had a terrific time. I’d sure have a terrific time eating this — I do like grits, and just love this recipe. Really fun — thanks so much.

  16. I’d love to try grits… I think I can get all those ingredients here actually… I always think the name sounds so funny… makes me think I’m going to end up with a mouthful of little rocks, but they look really good!

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