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  1. EWWWWW!!! Think I’ll stick to my £5 bag of ‘inferior’ regularly roasted grounds beans thanks!!! 😀 Or just swap them out for these little bites – they look yummo!
    Janie x

  2. Umph. That coffee sounds terrible. How do people come up with this stuff!?! I’ll gladly settle for my standard coffee…which is most certainly NOT $600/pound. Now I wish I could unread that little tidbit. Haha! But I’ll choose to focus on these amazing mocha almond bites. I’m struggling a little bit this morning. It snowed a bunch last night, Laura and I are both a bit under the weather and it’s Monday. That’s a bad trifecta. But I’m thinking one or six of these bites would totally improve things! 🙂

  3. I feel the same way, it is always a learning experience with blogging. I have learned so much tech stuff and still need to learn more! These snacks look beautiful. Definitely an easy snack for the slump time!

  4. ICK! Coffee that has been, like, regurgitated by a wild cat? AND at 600$ a pound? Yeaaaa, I’m going to go ahead and keep my money. 😉 Anyways, these bites are fabulous!! I had to laugh at the name – Slump Slayin’. hahaha. LOVE IT! The flavor sound absolutely delicious too, Shashi! I could use a few dozen of these today for sure… I mean it IS Monday. I am all sorts of slump-in’. 😉 Cheers, dear!

  5. I’ve heard that fun little factoid before too and it’s kinda gross, isn’t it? Well, probably a little more than kinda 😉 It definitely is fun and exciting learning something new and ever since I started blogging a little while back, it definitely seems there’s always more to learn, that’s for sure! Sometimes too much, lol 😀
    These bites sound delicious! I really enjoy bites and love the combination of chocolate and coffee – so perfect! Bet these wouldn’t last long if I placed them out over the holidays for family and friends! Happy Monday!

  6. Okay, first of all, the name of these bites are just… EVERYTHING!! Lolol. Did I ever tell you I went through a Buffy the Vampire phase, courtesy my sister Jenny? Your awesome use of the word “slay” is greatly appreciated. Haha. As for learning new tidbits everyday–yep, yep, yep. I feel like what we do kind of holds new adventures for us, all the time. Except when you can’t quite remember if that adventure is new or just something you forgot from last week. Lol. But seriously, $600 a pound? Woah. Good for you for not splurging on that particular coffee to make these bites. Else, I’d be worried about the costs of operating your blog! Haha. hand me two big batches, coulda ya? 🙂

  7. Okay I love coffee but 600 a pound???? Um no. haha But I will definitely take a few of these bites! I’m feeling the slump right now! Silly dreary weather!!

  8. Yup, I’ve heard of that prominent coffee. I haven’t tried it though. It’s not that I’m not a curious person (or a person with undeveloped palate. And I certainly don’t have anything against some wild cats.) – I’ll wait for a good discount):) And when there’s that discount I’ll buy a few packages of…Irish cream coffee or any other my favorite brands:) And some delicious choco bites:)

  9. Dear Shashi, My goodness! Do I even want to know what the aroma or taste of a wild cat’s digestive track is like? That blows my mind! As much as I love my coffee, I think I’ll pass on the Luwak coffee bean!
    These little bites however are right up my alley 😉 The holidays aren’t even here yet, but I’m already exhausted…I need a bunch of these to get through the rest of the month!! xo, Catherine

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