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  1. I’m not a real fan of avocados either. Nothing to do with their appearance — it’s their flavor I’m just not wild about. I never make guacamole, for example — just don’t care for it. Although I can certainly tolerate the flavor — it’s just not something I’d normally choose to have. But I’ve been intrigued by the idea of using them in baking. I know how nutritious they are, and that would be a great way to add them to my diet. Fun recipe — thanks.

  2. Oh my goodness she is crazy!! haha I go through soooo many avocados – love them love them love them! And these cupcakes sound fantastic!

  3. I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying avocados! I would use them more often in my cooking if they weren’t so expensive – currently you have to pay around $6.00 for each avocado – time to plant a tree! xx

  4. Lol, soooo weird your daughter doesn’t think she likes avocado, because Boy is the same way and I JUST snuck some into some salsa for dinner and he didn’t even notice! AND he loved it! Ha! Now I absolutely MUST make him these cupcakes and keep the avocado in here on the down low! 😉 I know he would love these and go crazy if I made these for breakfast! Talk about starting a day off perfectly! These cupcakes look absolutely decadent and delicious, and I LOVE that they are secretly healthy! Total win, Shashi!! Pinned! Cheers! <3

  5. Ooh that chocolate ganache topping Shashi! Oh wow, that’s shiny and so delicious looking. I can see me making a batch of these and then going round and licking off the chocolate ganache topping. He he he! Yum!

  6. I happen to LOVE ALLIEgator pears! So delicious. Glad you can hide them in this muffin for your daughter though. These looks so rich and decadent Shashi and great with a glass of milk. For breakfast. Like NOW! I will have these on my mind all day!!! Have a great day my friend. XO

  7. So I didn’t grow up eating avocados, and it took me a while to come around to them. But even so, I typically just eat them in guacamole form or as a topping. I need to up my game and start baking with them, too! These cupcakes look insane, Shashi. Like Midnight Chocolate Cupcakes! As in, I need a midnight snack, and it’s going to be one of these cupcakes. 🙂

  8. The avocado makes this cupcake so moist and gooey, and the ganache is so rich and smooth! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe!

  9. I love avocados! I’d happily eat them everyday but unfortunately my family don’t quite feel like that as well! And I also love how rich, dark and chocolaty these cupcakes look.

  10. You would have definitely be able to fool me with these too, as I would have never guessed that they have avocados in them! Well played!

  11. I am guilty, not the biggest fan and completely on your baby girl’s side. Then again, the way you make desserts with avo, I could eat it all day everyday.
    This is such a decadent cupcake my dear and love the ingredients in it. I need to make some cupcakes soon, been a while.
    Hope you are doing well hun. xoxo

  12. Oh boy you caught me at a very weak chocolate moment and I am actually feeling quite weak in the knees after looking at these delicious photos. So happy to hear that you made your frosting out of coconut milk. I can’t wait to try this recipe!

  13. You’re canny mother, Shashi! Now you need to protect your blog from reading it by your daughter or your secrets might be revealed:) And send me some these muffins or your secrets might be revealed too:) I’ve never added avocado in baking, but this sounds like a smart idea – they should introduce a moist and rich texture. Great idea!

  14. Wow … Shashi… Muffins are really tempting. Feel like grabbing one and getting my bite to enjoy those soft ones…

  15. Oh Shashi! You always make me feel so unhealthy – but in a good way that inspires me to look for healthier ways to make things! The BEST healthy things are the ones with chocolate in – I always find them so ingenius. These muffins look amazingly delicious and rich. And…unlike your daughter I adore avocados and love the idea of sneaking them into as many recipes as possible!

  16. LOVE me some avocados! You’re one tricky mom, nice job on sneaking them in for your daughter to eat. I often make a chocolate avocado protein shake – so creamy and delicious, like a mousse almost.
    These though, wow.
    The flaxseed and brown rice flour intrigue me and that frosting? Well that’s what got me… They look so rich and decadent – Beauties!

  17. I didn’t like avocados when I was younger either but I can’t get enough of them now 🙂 These cupcakes look amazing, Shashi! Love that you made them gluten free now too. The chocolate ganache is definitely calling my name!

  18. These looks absolutely amazing. That’s a sad thing to say when you already ate breakfast before work.

  19. Could I substitute something for the brown rice flour? and also would this work as well with cacao powder instead of cocoa powder?

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