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  1. What a coincidence, we both cooked with buckwheat today! And I’m so glad to see the ring and of course that everything is going well with you guys!

  2. Awww, I have goosebumps and a bit of a tear in my eye. How wonderful for you and no news could make me happier for the three of you.

    Pass the crackers over. 🙂

  3. Awww, Shashi. This post just made me incredibly happy. If I was a crying dude, then I would totally have a tear in my eye right now. I am SO incredibly happy that you and JWB have reconnected. I know you must be loving life right now, and I am so happy for you! 🙂

    Also, these crackers look awesome. The beet-ified color is pretty darn cool. I’ll have to hop over and check out Asha’s site. Check off another creative beetified recipe!

      1. Watch out, Mike! Come on upstate and go curling with me…then we’ll see who’s the weeping wuss. 😉

  4. Another great beet recipe from you, Shashi. I really have to find time to try some of your beet recipes.

  5. The beet queen is at it again! I think you just made the prettiest crackers ever, no big deal! I’m so happy for you and your family 🙂

  6. OH MY GOSH congratulations!!! Oh I am so happy for you both (and your daughter!). What an amazing story! Yay!!

    And two – beetified – I love that word 🙂 And these crackers look fantastic!

  7. I need to find buckwheat flour somewhere! These are seriously the prettiest crackers ever!

    I’m so glad to hear that things are going well! Stories like yours give me hope! <3!

  8. I am so over the moon for you Shashi. This is such good news about your personal life! 🙂

    What a lucky man!! He gets you and all those foods you cook. Again lucky lucky man!! 😀

    It would be a good idea for me to make a recipe like this because yesterday at work I snacked on an entire packet of organic sesame and emmental cheese flatbreads, lol

  9. Oh my dear Lord!!! I am tearing here, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You deserve everything beautiful in life. You are a sweet heart and JWB seems like the most awesomest person ever. I can’t even …I’m so so happy sweet thing.

  10. Shashi–that is GREAT news. Congrats!! I’m completely in awe and that story means so much to all of us reading it. 🙂 I’m so excited for you! On another note, I love this series–granted, I’m not a huge fan of beets, but I imagine I’d love them in cracker form since I’m a huge snacker.

    1. Thanks so much Ala – actually, you don’t really taste the beets much in these crackers, besides, you will be distracted by their perfect crunch! 🙂

  11. Shashi, I am totally almost in tears too. . I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! what a lovely story of coming back together again. . ah, true love. . and you are the BEET queen!!! love love love the crackers!!!I recently heard that beet juice helps with your complexion (?) so just came home with a buttload. . honestly, I hate using beets and doing it myself b/c it’s so messy. . anyway. . getting on the beet train. . happy weekend to you!

    1. Thanks so much Alice!
      Oooh – I did not know about beet’s complexion enhancing benefits – I know it’s a great pre workout aide though! Glad you are jumping on the beet train 🙂

  12. Shashi, that’s a fantastic story and the best news ever. Congratulations. I have a friends who married, had a son and then divorced. A few years went by and they started dating. Then they got engaged and the wedding invitations said, ‘Love is all the sweeter the second time around’. I wish the happy couple every happiness xx

    1. Thanks so much Charlie! Aww – that is a sweet story indeed! Wishing your friend and her hubs happiness this second time around too 🙂 xx

  13. Congratulations Shashi, I’m so happy for you! You deserve everything and more because you’re such a beautiful person!
    I’m so happy for you right now, I might even start eating beets… 😉

  14. Aaaw congratulations, Shashi! I am so so happy for you and loved reading the story of you both coming back together! *big big hugs*
    These crackers are gorgeous! Love that you beetified them!

  15. We are so happy for you Shashi….wishing you both a lovely,happy relationship full of joy!!! 🙂
    We feel sorry for your father and can know exactly what hard times you have been through (we have had similar experiences with our parents years before)….
    these beet crackers are definitely for keeps…we are always thrilled looking at all these yummy,healthy creations in your adorable blog….they are a real inspiration…it is summer now and we are in for all kinds of crackers and dips…this is going to be a favorite,thanks so much & Have A Lovely Day! 🙂

  16. Congratulations! Happy for you! Love how you Beatified these crackers, can wait to try them. I really enjoy making home made crackers.

  17. WooHoo!!! I’m behind but huge congratulations, Shashi!!! I’m so excited for you and hope that you, your daughter and JWB are all very happy!!!

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