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  1. Bring these popsicles on, my friend! I am a huge fan of both bourbon and scotch…in fact, those are my go-to liquors. I do occasionally bake/cook with them, but I don’t think I’ve ever incorporated them into a popsicle. This clearly needs to happen soon! It’s still warm up here (at least for another week or two), so I’d better get crackin’ on these popsicles! Love the flavor combination here, Shashi! And it sounds like Lil Shashi knows her stuff, too…although we won’t ask how she knows such things. Haha!

  2. These look perfectly delicious. Dessert and drink all in one convenient little ice lolly. I had no idea that sweetened condensed coconut milk even existed. That is cool to know. How are you surviving the empty nest? 🙂

  3. What happens to the rest of the bottle of Bourbon Shashi once these have been made? 😉

    What a great idea to combine Bourbon in with a tasty ice lolly. If I can’t have the rest of your bottle of Bourbon, then I’ll quite happily settle for one of these. 😀

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