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  1. I know a lot of people with digestive issues who are able to tolerate the A2 milk. I guess you must really be into soup season in your part of the world. That soup looks great – I love chunky soups with texture xx

    1. Hey Charlie – yes – by my standards it’s been pretty cold here (40F-60F which is like 4C to 15C) but it fluctuates – we will have 3 gorgeous days and then 4 freezing, cloudy days – guess it just makes us appreciate the gorgeous days mo! I know it’s warming up where y’all are – too warm for soup weather – but maybe perfect for smoothie weather! xx

  2. The soup looks so very creamy and packed full of flavour, Shashi. I would love some for my lunch.

  3. This soup looks incredible, Shashi! I’ll have to check out that milk…if we ever get a Sprouts up here! And yes, I love me some a-ha! Well, I don’t have a crush on their lead singer or anything, but I do turn it up whenever Take On Me comes on the radio. Great post…and now I’m craving soup! 🙂

    1. Dude, no Sprouts?! Gah I think y’all should just move or lobby Sprouts to open up by y’all! I’ve been trying to get Trader Joes to open up by me for the past couple of years – one of these days they are gonna listen – just hope it’s before I decide to move from this area! 🙂
      Haha – I wonder if Laura just might have had one on him though… so many of my friends thought he was adorable…

  4. What a gorgeous, creamy soup friend! Love you found something you can have in the milk department. So many delicious inclusions like ginger! I’m such a ginger fan. Hope your daughter had a very happy birthday over the weekend and so look forward to trying your mouthwatering soup very soon!!! XOXO

    1. Aww – thanks Allie – yes she had a good birthday – this year she didn’t want a party/get-together so it was quiet – she just wanted a red velvet cake and to go out to lunch.
      BTW – Thanks bunches! I adore my spices! 🙂 xoxo

  5. I remember that band! Their songs always made me feel like dancing. Now I’m going to have to listen to Take on Me again!
    This soup looks so comforting. I love that it’s creamy without the cream!

  6. Yum! I’ve been looking for a creamy soup… without cream! I have everything except the tomato paste… any substitutes or would it be okay without it?? xo

    1. Cassie – yes, I am thinking skipping the tomato paste would be fine – I’ve made it without the tomato paste a few times – the ginger/garlic/turmeric stand out a bit more without it – that’s really the only difference that I noticed…

  7. I have issues with milk too, well, my stomach has issues, I personally have nothing against milk. 🙂 I have never heard of A2 milk before, but I’m totally intrigued. Thanks for introducing me to it, Shashi, I have got to give it a try! And I can’t think of any better way to give it a go than by devouring it in this creamy-dreamy soup!! This chicken and veggie soup looks perfect, my dear! Just the thing I need to warm my soul! Cheers, doll! xo

    1. Hahaha – I like how you manage to separate you and your stomach! Hey the next time I finish the last cookie, I’m gonna see if I can get away with the excuse that “my stomach told me too – though I wanted to save it for you” 🙂
      BTW Cheyanne thanks so much!

    1. Thanks Nicole. But I am not sure how almond milk would work in this recipe – to be honest, I’ve only used a2milk and previously Lactaid – the one with a2 tasted so much more creamier!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Stacy!
      So glad to have you back blogging – I’ve got quite a few posts of yours to catch up with over these next few days!

  8. I’ve never seen this A2 milk, but would love to try it! The soup looks hearty and delicious, perfect for the cold weather here!

    1. Thanks so much Mira – a2 is a must try – did you check their website? They are available in a handful of other stores other than Sprouts too

  9. Glad you found something to make your creamy soup. I love any soup and this one looks amazing Sashi. I remember seeing this brand somewhere, will definitely look out for it.
    I had to google the band and I know why you were gaga over them, the main guy is soooo cute. Swag, that what the teens would tell now..haha.
    Nice pictures dear.

    1. Haha – Asha – I think my older self still harbors a crush on him – guess that’s why I am still single! 🙂 Just kidding! But, he isnt just good looking, he sure can sing!
      Thanks so much BTW – am honored by your sweet compliment my friend

  10. Oh that’s interesting. I’ve never heard of a2 milk. I’ll have to check it out as my mom and I think my son have difficulties with regular milk.

  11. This looks sooo delicious, the perfect healthy comfort food for a chilly night! I love that you’re able to enjoy it now thanks to a2 Milk®! And my far away celeb crush as a teen was on a BMX rider named Dave Mirra, haha! 😀 Isn’t funny to look back at us? 🙂

  12. Ah-ha! I remember this group, Shashi! I LOVED them! They are so eighties, which of course are back in fashion now!
    So happy for you that you found this new special milk that you can actually eat. The soup looks and sounds absolutely delicious … and really healthy, too. 🙂

  13. I haven’t thought of a-ha! in years! And I’ve never thought of A2 milk, because I’ve never heard of it! Sounds interesting — I’ll have to look for it. Love the soup — we have soup at least once a week at this time of the year, so this is perfect for us. Thanks!

  14. Andddd now I have “take on me” stuck in my head! haha This soup looks just wonderful Shashi! I have been allll about any type of soup lately!

  15. At my age, I was more Beatles fan in my teens. 🙂 I remember their first appearance on Ed Sullivan. I REFUSED to go to bed that night which was not like me at all. I always did as I was told but not that night. 🙂

    It’s really hot here now but I would enjoy your chicken and vegetable soup!

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