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  1. I definitely have sensitive teeth, but I have never let that stop me from eating ice cream!! Love that this is dairy free and yet so delicious!

  2. Oh man, I totally miss the azaleas down south, Shashi! I agree with you, though…there is something magical about the spring. For us, the first buds are just starting to peek out of the ground…but I’ll take it. I’ll also take a nice big bowl of that ice cream. It looks delicious! Strawberry banana is a great flavor combo for the spring! And I need to check out that sensitivity pen…I’m intrigued!

    1. David, while y’all are having your first buds show, my tulips have already started withering away! I am hoping this summer is a scorcher – at least down here! That sensitivity pen was pretty cool – I’ve never tried anything quite like that – other than at the dentists’ office!

  3. I’ve definitely noticed more of a pep in my step now that the days are getting longer and warmer. And it’s funny because I didn’t even realize I was feeling a bit funky until I started to feel better ๐Ÿ˜† But I’m loving the fact that it’s time to switch to lighter and fresher foods… I mean, I’ve been drinking smoothies and eating frozen fruits all winter long, but it’ll be nice to be able to do it without freezing afterwards ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Haha – that is true! The few times I attempted something cold, I had to chase it with a steaming mug of coffee or 2 or 3! Yup – one night I had 3 cups of coffee to fight off feeling cold! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I just made homemade strawberry sherbet for my husband. I wish I had your recipe as I would have thrown in some coconut milk and oil to make it extra creamy. So delicious and creamy! Wasn’t it super hard to get those photo shots before our ice cream was in a huge puddle? I know I struggled with mine the other day so I just started eating it instead of taking photos… lol Sharing, of course!

    1. Haha – it was a cool evening here, so I didn’t struggle too much with it melting – I did struggle with trying to get my daughter to stop sampling it as I was photographing it though! Teenagers and their appetites!

  5. I’ve been craving strawberry ice cream! I randomly get this craving every few months. I haven’t made coconut milk ice cream yet but I think I need to pull out my ice cream maker and try it!

  6. Spring really is gorgeous! One of our neighbors planted a TON of tulips – they are so pretty and make me smile every time I walk by!

    Love the sound of this ice cream – especially with the strawberries and coconut milk!!

    1. I adore tulips – and have a bunch in my yard! But they are starting to wilt and the summer flowers have started to bud… you are right about the smiles they bring! Thanks Ashley!

  7. I love how simple and easy it is to make the ice cream. I have really sensitive teeth so I like to use a toothpaste that helps them – otherwise I have trouble eating ice cream! xx

  8. Yay for spring and Ice cream! This 4 ingredient version sounds fantastic! Ice cream is my absolute favorite treat and I love how healthy and easy this is to whip up ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I’m trying to give up dairy for some health issues not related to the gut and have been on the look out for dairy-free ice cream recipes. This is a winner! Thanks!

  10. I have all the ingredients at home!! Cool, will give it a try. To be honest, my first thought was: “Hmmm, maybe I could brush my teeth with ice cream instead of toothpaste from now on. Genious me!” ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. This looks so good, Shashi! It’s going on my list this summer. Perfect for big family gatherings ๐Ÿ™‚

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