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  1. I agree, I cannot wait for December either Shashi. I see it has a double special meaning for you in that it is when your daughter was born too! You guys also have Thanksgiving too first. I’m jealous! I’m also extremely jealous of these Brussels Sprouts ‘n Crumbles because you can eat them now at Thanksgiving whereas we would have to wait until Christmas (when sprouts are more traditionally consumed)! Hope you and your daughter have an amazing Thanksgiving Shashi!

  2. I didn’t realize that tomorrow is Thanksgiving already, we don’t celebrate it in Germany, so I know that it is sometimes at the end of November, but never remember exactly when. A delicious looking dish, I would enjoy eating it as it is, I would not even need the turkey. 🙂

  3. This sounds like one amazing holiday side dish, Shashi! I love brussels, and I would be all about the crumbled add-ins here! Also, I totally second your love of the week of leftovers and Netflix. Ours will be pretty similar…expect we’ll have “helping Robbie with his puzzles” in there, too. Haha! Seriously, though, we’re heading into my favorite time of the year, too, and I love the idea of including this easy brussels recipe on the menu! 🙂

  4. Our Thanksgiving is over in Canada (we had ours in October) so now it’s full steam ahead for Christmas. Loving these sprouts, Shashi! I love mine kinda burnt too (well, ya know, those yummy crispy bits). I could make a meal out of this just alone or how awesome would this also be for breakfast, piled high, with an egg on top? Oh, and lots of coffee. I’m seriously getting hungry right now and it seems that the breakfast I had isn’t cutting it 😉 Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving, my friend! XOXO

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