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  1. Ha! Your daughter sounds a lot like my best friend, who often leaves me wondering how it’s possible to be so organized (I’m slightly envious). Oh and thanks for reminding me that I need to make some cracker soon–it’s been way too long since I’ve enjoyed homemade crackers!

  2. The salami and cheese sounds like a perfect snack on the go and your crackers look so delicious. I love all the ingredients, very healthy!

  3. Man, those Europeans really know how to snack right, don’t they?? I love the idea of a Manchego + Felino snack in the mid-afternoon. Heck, I could go for that snack mid-morning and be perfectly happy! But speaking of Lil Shashi’s organization skillz…don’t tell her, but I am the exact same way when it comes to planning big trips! Heck, planning is half the fun in my opinion! Plus, you don’t want to get there and then realize you missed out on something really cool just because you didn’t do some research in advance. I can’t wait to hear about that trip…and see pics, too, of course! 🙂 Love these crackers. Homemade crackers really are the best!

  4. Love your new site, Shashi! Wow, your daughter is SUPER organized! I try to stay as organized as I can and sometimes stay on track and then there’s other times when there’s pieces of paper EVERYWHERE and I don’t know if I’m coming or going! And, I swear, every time I leave the door I have a bazillion things to take with me.
    I’m sure you are going to have a fabulous trip! So exciting!! You know you’re definitely going to have fish n chips, right? With lots and lots of vinegar 🙂 I love having a mid afternoon snack (and mid morning….hehehe), so I’m totally picking up what you’re throwing down here, girl. These crackers sound (and look) delicious and those meats are right up my alley! Making me hungry right about now. Cheers, my friend! xo

  5. I am a savorryyyyyyy kinda girl, so these crackers SPEAK TO ME. I love the crunchity crunch too! And throwing some meat on top – are you trying to make me DROOOOOLLLLL until I become dehydrated?! And these are ALMOST something I can wolf down!!!!!!! I remember I used to make flax crackers with my mom when I was younger and we would then devour our whole recipe and get SOOOOOOOOO bloated – LOL!

  6. WOW!!! Everything looks great, from the Starbucks to the Creminelli meat tray to the fine snacks. The crackers are just beautiful and I’m a big rosemary fan. Scrumptious! I am so excited to hear about your hop skip and a jump across the pond this summer. YAY YAY YAY! And glad you have some one organized along for the ride. Ha ha. I am the disorganized one in our house and I rely on those with organizational skills to keep me upright and where I belong. Starbucks helps with that too, ha ha. Love afternoon tea – we have relatives in England and so we need to brush up on our afternoon tea skills as well and plan a trop someday. My Jonathan is thinking about studying abroad in London one semester down the road, so he will need to brush up on his skills too. Wishing you ALL THE BEST on this wonderful adventure ahead – the planning and anticipation is half the fun!! I am so excited for you. XOXO

  7. I aspire to your daughter’s organizational skills. But I’m probably too old and too lazy, so I’ll just aspire to making these wonderful looking crackers instead. These look terrific — thanks.

  8. Your daughter’s organizational skills are very impressive! And so are these crackers! They look perfect for snacking! Love that you used garlic, rosemary and thyme to flavor these! They sound so delicious!

  9. Wow, your daughter’s organization skills do sound impressive, indeed! I’d love to say we’re on the same page here, but the truth is I am not well organized outside of my work. Well, I do love colorful labels too, but they aren’t connected to the specific categories. Just look beautiful:) I’ve been loving savory cookies and biscuits more than sweet ones lately, so these guys are totally for me. Rosemary and thyme? Yes, yes, yes!

  10. Love your new name and site, Shashi! And your daughter’s organization skills are awesome! I’d totally join you guys for a mid-afternoon snack if a plate of these yummy crackers are involved!

  11. These crackers are awesome- can’t believe you made them!! Firstly a huge congrats on the new blog direction Shachi- love the name you’ve chosen! A trip to Europe sounds mega exciting- what places are on your itinerary?

  12. LOL. Yep, same kinda thing happens to me too! Sometimes I have too many lists lying around and I don’t even know which order I should be looking at the lists. Haha. The sound of your daughter’s organization is awesome! Also, WOW!!! I’m so excited for your trip! Y’all are gonna have such an amazing time–especially with your daughter organizing the thing! Now the idea of getting used to having these delish GF crackers in the afternoon–that I can totally get on board with! Send me a nice, big batch? 😉 Hope y’all have a great weekend! xo

  13. I am really really impressed. Your daughter’s organization skills are awesome, Shashi. These herbed garlic crackers look really delicious. Love how beautifully you have combined the rice flour and flaxseed. Healthy, delicious and full of yummy flavors.

  14. Dear Shashi, I can completely relate- always leaving the grocery list at home, searching for my reading glasses only for my daughter to point out that they are on my head- or worse, that I’m wearing them, or my personal favorite, saving up all those Bed Bath coupons for months then forgetting to bring them with me when I do go! More so than a lack of organization though, I think it’s more that we’re so overwhelmed and rarely give ourselves a break. That is why I am all for this! Bring back the midday snack break…I love the sound of these crackers especially paired with these wonderful snack trays. I never knew Starbucks had these…what a fabulous idea! Wishing you a very relaxing weekend dear! xo, Catherine (p.s. I love the new header!)

  15. Love the new brand! and the new recipe. Love little crispy crackers and gluten-free even better. Your daughter maybe can get you and I all both sorted. I have little honey do lists all over the place…

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