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  1. Maybe t’s a new generation thing but I’m with you about working in silence- as much as I love music/background noise, it has to be off while I’m working otherwise I get far too distracted. But hey, if your daughter is still bring home A’s, you better help make sure her iPod is constantly topped up with new music ;)! This looks like the perfect snack- cheese makes everything better :)!

  2. This is so creative! I love the whole thing (and the addition of andouille!) I have to have silence too, even when I am testing recipes too. I am too distract-able I guess.

  3. First off, I need total silence when I’m working. I’ll turn on some 80’s rock when I’m in the kitchen cooking/baking, but when I’m at the computer working I need silence. Sometimes I can turn on something with no words…like jazz. (Laura calls that elevator music, but she’s wrong.) Usually I prefer it to be nice and quiet.

    Now, more importantly is the fact that Cabot Cheese rocks my socks off!! I swear I could eat bars of that cheese for lunch. No need to cut it…that just takes time. You always come up with the most creative recipes, too…I’m guessing this flavor combo tasted amazing!!

    1. My daughter has finally started liking 80’s rock and I am elated! I mean – is there anything better! Definitely NOT “elevator music”! 😉

      BTW, I only cut slices for this recipe – I was thinking my daughter and I were the only two breaking off hunks of Cabot blocks – yes, I said hunks not chunks – chunks are itsy bitsy – and we have no time for itsy bitsy! Or washing dirty knives everytime someone sneaks some cheese!

  4. Stop making beet recipes – I’m allergic haha 😛

    I’m like you and need complete silence to get any work done. I’ve taught myself to work with headphones in now as music is better than the endless chatter going on at work!

    1. Omigawsh – I thought I was the only one who drove in silence at times!!!

      Thanks so much Deanna – figured I’d squeeze in veggies, dairy and protein all in one 😉

  5. Aaaaah, those beets 🙂
    You and me both….it boggles the mind how the kids these days study! They don’t open a book to study for a test. But they manage to do alright, I guess it’s the day and age,

    The beet pizzas look gorgeous! And all that melty cheese…mmmm.

    1. Thanks so much Nazneen!

      I know most of my daughter’s textbooks are online – which is great because her backpack doesn’t weigh more than she does anymore!

  6. Wow, these look and sound amazing. Love that you used beets! You and your daughter both work well, even though to the beat of a different drum. Great post, Shashi!

  7. Haha, now I totally have that song stuck in my head now too 🙂 These mini beet pizzas look absolutely incredible, Shashi! I am always amazed at how creative you are. I love that you added Cabot cheese to the beet crust and topping too. The andouille sausage sounds amazing with everything else here!

    1. Thanks so much Kelly!

      The cheese dulls the beet flavor a good bit – which might be a good thing if you happen to not be a huge beet fan! 🙂

  8. What a great looking pizza. I’ve never heard of that cheese though. I’m impressed your daughter is able to bring home such great exam results given how she studies! She is more talented than me – I have to have total peace and quiet and can’t even cope if the gardener from next door is using his leaf blower xx

    1. Thanks so much Charlie!

      Haha – I totally understand – that’s why I like to work either first thing in the morn or last thing at night – no leaf blowing at those hours 🙂

  9. You had me at anduille then at beet, and I about lost it at pepper jack. Isn’t Cabot’s pepper jack divinely spicy and delicious! Totally want to make these for the Super Bowl

  10. Your beet crust would be delicious to try out so many different toppings. My boys are really different studiers like your daughter. For sure they need music on, Facebook, we chat and all of the other social media thing going on… at the same time. I don’t know how they do it!!

  11. haha oh gosh, when I was in high school I needed complete silence to study! It used to drive my parents nuts since I would tell them to turn off the tv lol so bad! But at least it was for school I guess???

    These beet pizzas look awesome! I have a bunch of extra roasted beets right now and need to put them to good use!

  12. This, I was intrigued by when I checked on insta. Such a innovative and interesting pizza. I can see you are big on beets, I don’t blame you, we are big fans of it too. looks awesome Sashi.
    Now, to the topic that I’m bothered by. Headphones while doing homework, I don’t get it at all. The way we were brought up was so different to what kids do these days. I’m so glad these kids are performing well, otherwise I would be bonkers. My teen too says, it helps him focus, I guess we will never understand. All the best to your girl though, smart one she is.xo

    1. Thanks so much Asha – I so do adore beets!

      My daughter says the same thing about her being able to focus better – she even tried to prove it one time – she studied for a test once without any music or tv playing and she brought home a low B – so now when she has the tv and iPod going- somehow – I know she studies better!

  13. Wow! Such a creative spin on cauliflower and zucchini pizza crusts! I’ve been a low carber since my Atkins days and look forward to making these, Shashi. My pizza cravings never seem to cease, LOL. I’m loving all your beet recipes lately. They’re so good and healthy. I enjoy juicing them, too! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much Stacy! I haven’t juiced beets yet – but I do love them roasted and baked into stuff – specially when chocolate or cheese is involved 😉

  14. I’ve never seen a beet pizza before and I LOVE it! The color is amazing and the toppings sounds so flavorful! Great recipe Shashi!

    1. Thanks so much Sonali – actually I have a couple on the blog – one with beans and one with eggs and bacon baked into it – a dessert one is coming up next week 😉

  15. You had me at Andouille sausage! I’ve never met had a recipe with andouille that I didn’t love. These little beet pizzas with cheese and andouille are the cat’s meow!!!!

  16. OMG are you serious?!?! This recipe looks amazing!! So creative and looks amazing! Plus andouille sausage and i have a love affair…totally making this sometime.

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