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  1. These sound SO good. I was just reminiscing the other day about how I used to eat a pistachio muffin every day at work when I was in high school. …..and how unhealthy they were haha not like these! These look great.

  2. I have a problem with cheap produce, too, Shashi! I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one. Red grapes were on sale for $0.99 this week at our local market…and I came home with about 5 pounds. And I’ll probably go back and get more before the sale goes away. Haha! I’m loving the roasted plum in these muffins. What a great way to use product…and I bet the flavor is killer good! In fact, you could send some my way if you need to get rid of them. 🙂

  3. What a cool way to use plums!! And I just love that you used pistachios too – they are a favorite of mine!!

    haha I literally just roasted extra broccoli tonight – it disappears way faster here too than raw broccoli!

  4. I can’t go past cheap produce in my local supermarket either Shashi!

    I’m always hooked in. And then when I see all the stuff in our fridge, it forces to me come up with new recipes and incorporate anything into meals that’s close to its best before date!

    These look and sound amazing! The fluffy inside texture in your photographs is amazing! Just beautiful!

  5. hahaha – Muffakes!! I LOVE IT, Shashi! I could totally eat cupcakes for breakfast if my waistline would allow it, so these beauties are a MUST try over here! Loving the plum and pistachio combination, girlfriend! These look and sound beyond delicious! Can’t wait to shove a few dozen of these into my pie hole.. first thing in the AM. Yaaahhhss! Cheers, dear!

    1. Thanks so much Cheyanne – but you know what I’m currently wanting to stuff into my piehole? Why those Brown Sugar & Pecan Baked Cake Donuts with Bourbon-Maple Glaze I saw on your blog this morning!

  6. whoaaaaaa–yes, PLEASE! I crave little muffins and cupcakes for brekkie all the time–saving this, because I (like you) am a Costco produce fanatic. Cheers!!

  7. Muffakes, I LOVE the name. So so cool, you are about to start a trend here Sashi. It sounds great, and yes to roasting and not forgetting them in the oven;).
    Honestly, we get so much food, the good thing I have boys who love their fruits, veggies and all kind of food. Costco as amazing as it is, we do tend to get a lot of stuff.
    I need to make these sometime.
    Have a good weekend my dear.

    1. Haha – true true – teenagers and their appetites sure do help when you bring too much home! Not sure what I’m gonna do once my daughter leaves! 🙂
      Thanks so much my friend.
      Hope you had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a great start! xx

  8. Indeed, many years ago, when baked avocados weren’t that popular yet, I slightly roast them on a dry skillet (or maybe just with a drop of olive oil), and they turned out very delicious. And yes, Shashi, thease muffins pretending to be cakes or cakes pretending to be muffins, are totally fine to have for breakfast! Approved. Now send me a dozen please or I will disapprove:)

    1. Hahaha – thanks Ben! I just ut them in the mail to you! I’ve never tried roasting avocados in a skillet – I am so intrigued now…

  9. So many great ideas in your post today Shashi!!! Roasted plums. Salted, roasted broccoli. Baked avocado halves. And I haven’t even gotten to your recipe of the day yet. Girl, you are busy in the kitchen!!!! We’ve talked about being neighbors and I think it just might work out perfectly. You make all the roasted veggies and produce and I’ll whip us up a Brick Street Cake and we’ll have to work out the gluten issue, I have no doubt we can pull that off girlfriend. I want you to know that I am up in Quebec City this weekend. And that the thermometer is registering -15 degrees this morning. EEK!!! And that they had a fresh new 6″ of snow just in time for our arrival yesterday. Who am I kidding? I love it, as long as I have the right layers of clothes along, Which I do. And my Uggs. The only thing I’m missing this morning is your pistachio plum muffakes, “neighbor”, which I would love to be enjoying for breakfast, warm from the oven right now with a cup of java. So maybe you could get one (or a dozen) here for me, pretty please? xo

    1. Ohmygawsh – Allie – you, my friend, have a deal! I would bake and cook all the veggies if I could end the day with a slice of that decadent Brick Street Cake! I wouldn’t ever ever think of moving if you were my neighbor! Now – wait – I never thought I’d see “-15 degrees” and “love” in the same sentence! Hey – instead of sending these muffakes your way, I’ll brave the frigid weather and deliver them myself – just keep the coffee warm 🙂

  10. Wowww these look so tasty Shashi! Plum and pistachio is such a great flavour combination! And I love how healthy they are too. Such a great recipe! I definitely need to try these 😀

  11. Looks delicious.. Well explained and rare combination i’ve never tried this ingredients.Thanks for the secret.☺️☺️

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