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  1. Good story, Shashi! Glad you had to deal with not that (probably a little stereotypical now) police attitude which is often depicted in books and movies. And these pork chops? Yes, please! Last year i tried the combo of pork and pumpkin so I know what you are saying here. Basically you’re saying you’d like to send this to me. Well, please don’t stop yourself ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks so much Ben, yes, those policemen were so kind, went above and beyond the call of duty – at least that’s my opinion.
      Haha – ok, I’ll send you a pork chop if you send me some of your decadent marshmallows – deal? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I can’t quite imagine someone going through my home, taking what they wanted. I once had my car broken into and the stereo pinched (a stereo I’d worked away from home one Xmas & New Year to be able to afford) and was utterly devastated. If it had been my home I think I would have crumbled x
    Janie x

  3. Wow, I can’t imagine how jarring that must feel to have your home broken into. Fortunately, that’s never happened to us, but I can only imagine how it would make me feel…especially with a little one in the house now. Those cops sound like amazing people, though, and they definitely deserve recognition. Thanks for sharing! And also thanks for sharing this amazing recipe. I love me some good pork chops, and the addition of curry and pumpkin here sounds incredible! I’m sending my drone your way! ๐Ÿ™‚ #client

    1. Thank you so much, David!
      Hey – live and learn, right? It was a long time ago and now my place is like Fort Knox – I once locked myself outside and tried to get in but couldn’t and somehow set the alarm off and the cops showed up to find me trying to jimmy a window – yup – I had some explaining to do – and I ended up having to call a locksmith who charged me extra cos of the type of deadbolt I had on! GAH!
      PS. that drone better be bringing me some of your Cajun pulled pork!

  4. I can’t imagine what you must have been feeling like when you realized someone went through your home. I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that.

  5. Loving the glistening look of these perfectly cooked pork chops with the fall flavors. Beautiful plate! Sharing! I am glad to hear that is was “stuff” taken as it is true all these things can be replaced.

  6. How scary about the robbery Shashi. Thankfully I have not had that experience, but that happened a few years ago across the street. Our neighbors upper elementary school age girls came home to find a similar scene to the one you described. Very scary. Thankfully I was home and they were able to come here and call their parents etc. but scary stuff. I am so thankful you and your little one were not home for that intruder visit. You just never know. These pumpkin curry chops look amazingly delicious and I would love these for dinner. My mind is on all things pumpkin and I’d love to have it in a main dish! I can almost smell it from here! Have a super week! XO

    1. Ohmygawsh, my heart hurts for those girls! God sent them an angel in you – so glad they had you to comfort them through such a traumatizing ordeal.
      Thank you so much for your sweet words, my dear friend. I hope you have a wonderful week too xoxo

  7. My last house was broken into and I remember feeling scared forever living there. I just felt so violated that someone had gone through my things and seen pictures of me. I eventually moved because it was just too much to handle and as someone who lives alone, I couldn’t live somewhere I didn’t feel safe.

    1. I so agree Megan, my daughter and I moved shortly after that – even though we got notification that the perpetrators had been captured, some images are hard to un-see! I’m so sorry you went through this too, sending you a virtual hug…btw, I hope you are healing well.

  8. EEEEK! My heart totally broke for you reading this Shashi! I know the feeling of your home being broke into because it happened to me. It feels like a total violation of your PERSONAL space. It’s a lot to take, especially if you were already going through a tough time! <3 You are such a strong woman, and I always find you so inspiring.. just so you know!! Anyways, Smithfield is THE BOMB (and I have a post for them coming up too!)! So you already know I am going to say I LOVE THESE CHOPS! Pumpkin curried pork chops!! SO UNIQUE! I bet these taste even more delicious than they look, girlfriend! Cheers, friend! xoxo

    1. Oh no! I’m so so sorry that your place was broken into too, Cheyanne! It is the total violation of personal space that’s what got me – it’s not the stuff… and thank you, you know, you kinda rock my socks off too with your cheery posts, my sweet friend.
      I cannot wait for your Smithfield post – but I need to head on over and check out your cinnamon cream cheese filled apple bread right now as I missed it yesterday!
      Hope your day is wonderful xoxo

  9. Oh my sweet friend, I teared up reading this!! I hate that you had to go through something like this and am so grateful for police who comforted you.
    And these pork chops are the perfect fall dish!

    1. Awww – you are so sweet, thanks so much, Kristen, like the saying goes “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” right? ๐Ÿ™‚
      Fortunately, inspite of that horrible incident, God made sure there were some good people around. xx

  10. My cousin had her house broken into and I just remember her saying how violated she felt (thankfully they weren’t home when it happened). And what wonderful policemen who comforted you (and your daughter!). On a happier note – these pork chops! I LOVE when pumpkin is used in savory dishes! The best!

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your cousins’ story, Ashley – yes, it’s that feeling of violation that’s hard to get over – not the stuff taken. And, thanks for your sweet words – hope your week is off to a wonderful start.

  11. You’ve just reminded me that I haven’t had pork for far too long. It’s surprisingly difficult to find here. I’m so far behind on your blog – off to catch up now!

    1. No worries Tara – I’ve been behind in blog catching up too – last month was crazy busy – but hope to eventually ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks so much btw!

  12. Shashi, I got emotional reading your intro…I’m so sorry you had to go through that but I’m really glad not much was taken and you had some wonderful officers come to your assistance. As far as this gorgeous dish here, I love that you used pumpkin in a savory recipe and it looks so pretty and flavorful!

  13. Dear Shashi, what a flavorful dish for the fall. I would love to try this…I know my family would love it too. What a beautiful, hearty meal. xo, Catherine

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