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  1. I need to look for this Emergen-C! I need it for when I travel – I always seem to catch something on airplanes. Love this soup – looks so comforting!

  2. I’ve been up all night waiting for you to post this! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Ha ha, no seriously Shashi, when you said you were posting a lentil soup recipe, in your comment on my lentil soup recipe, I could not wait to see what you had come up with!

    Love this, and love all the spices. Another fantastic recipe to add to my Pinterest. Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Haha – thanks so much Neil! You are too kind! I hope this soup was worth you staying up! I must say I am so intrigued by your carrot lentil version, I have it on the books for this weekend! Thank You!

  3. Dear Shashi, this soup sounds wonderful! What a warm and delicious meal. I always make sure to keep Emergen-C on hand especially during flu season. xo, Catherine

  4. This soup looks incredible, Alzy! Lil Shashi sure does come up with some of the best nicknames for you. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m thinking this soup would make for some awesome weekday lunches next week. Yum!!

  5. Dear Shashi, your daughter would get on well with my son. Just sayin’. (And why are they so gleeful about it? That would be my question….their day will come….) Little sleep here too, lots to keep up with for sure at this time of the year. But, this soup looks wonderful and perfect for the season. Will definitely try, I have leftover pumpkin on hand from making Pumpkin French Toast yesterday. Have a beautiful weekend! xo

    1. Hahaha! Allie – your son sounds as cheeky as my daughter is! And yeah – gleeful is most definitely what she was when she gave came up with yet another nickname for me – she’s having so much fun calling me Alzy!!! What in tarnation???
      Hope you are having a wonderful week! xo

  6. I’m such a sucker for quizzes, and would probably spend way too much time taking them if I let myself. I do love your daughter’s approach of secretly getting you to take one, though — I might have to try that with my own mom ๐Ÿ˜‰ And I think the last quiz I took was a personality one — the Myers Briggs one. It’s always kind of neat to get a little insight into why you think the way you do.

  7. This looks so amazing Shashi! Pumpkin soup is my favourite – it’s so comforting and delicious. Such a great idea to add lentils too. Love how healthy and yummy this dish is! <3

  8. Your daughter is just too funny! But man this soup sounds fantastic! I’m always always always trying to find new ways to use lentils and with pumpkin?? Yes yes! Happy weekend!!

  9. Girl everyday of my life I’m forgetting stuff. I used to never write stuff down and I always just remembered everything until I think I got so busy I just couldn’t keep it all in my brain. It took me far too long to realize I should I have a calendar and actually write things down. Now I live by that thing PLUS it’s color coded which makes me extra happy….haha.

  10. Shashi, I love this pumpkin lentil soup! and I drink an Emergen-C all the time when I’m feeling like I’m about to get sick. . I didn’t know there were chewables!!! love this!

  11. I’m trying to make sure I get enough sleep. I know that I tend to get sick when I’m run down, so that’s my first line of defense. I also like making sure I take my vitamins, too! Thanks for sharing this soup recipe – it looks delicious! {client}

  12. I think I’d be too afraid to take that test. I trip over my dog all the time! I do love the bowls you served your soup in – really pretty colours xx

    1. Haha – I am glad I’m not the only one tripping over my dog Charlie! And thanks so much! Those bowls were a gift from my mom and dad way long ago when my daughter and I moved into out house.

  13. Lentils make the best addition to a soup. I never would have thought that, but got introduced to lentil soup while living in Greece. Don’t you just love how healthy soups are without even trying? Love this, Shashi … so many yummy flavours in it!

  14. Now I need to take this quiz ๐Ÿ™‚ Love lentil soup but haven’t made it in a long time! Will try this one as soon as my finger gets better. I drink Emergen C all the time and I always have Advil in my purse!

  15. I love the look of this soup!! I am always trying new lentil recipes, and this one sounds amazing!
    Also, when I was young, I absolutely loved taking those kinds of quizzes! If I had access to a computer when I was a kid, I am sure I would be looking at that Alzheimer’s quiz too :p

  16. That’s a really good looking soup. Love the combination of pumpkin and lentils. Ang great spices to warm it all up. Looking forward to making it.

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