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  1. Eek! I totally know that sauce! I haven’t tried it – but now I totally plan to!

    Your opening line totally cracked me about re: kegs traveling Sri Lanka! I adore Sri Lankan food and totally agree, it’s even MORE punchy flavours and spice than Indian food!! 🙂

  2. I love making packets like this! These sound so good, especially with the pineapple, mango and avocado!

    It’s so funny, but I HATED spicy food for the longest time … and now I feel so silly! It’s so good! haha

  3. My son would really enjoy this chicken, he loves mangoes and pineapples and absolutely loves extra spicy food. I need to try these hot sauces because it’s hard to find good ones that aren’t too vinegary. My uncle lived in Colombo for a long time, he worked for a bank. My cousins grew up in Sri Lanka. They loved it there but we never had a chance to visit. I know one thing, my dad is crazy about Ceylon tea! I also have a very good friend who is from Sri Lanka so I’ve eaten Sri Lankan food at her house.

  4. Ah, spice loving friend. 🙂

    Even just reading through your list of the spices alongside the combination of chili peppers had me drooling.

    I can imagine this would be such a lovely, tasty and quite easy packet chicken meal to do. Lovely!

  5. I always learn so much when I come to your blog Shashi. I love these spicy chicken packets, perfect for summer grilling! (Perhaps we could put “something else” in one of the kegs….perhaps.)

  6. I had no idea that Ceylon was the old name for Sri Lanka! I’m also suprised that there are no Sri Lankan restaurants in the A. But then again, who needs a restuarant when you have recipes like this! I’ve got some of that El Yucateco sauce in my pantry right now…I just might need to whip this up for dinner one night this week! (I’m sure you actually sent me a sample, but my maillady probably ate it already. How rude.)

  7. This chicken looks so moist and delicious, I love the flavours and spices too – perfect for summer! I just can’t get over that Marinade! Mmmmm!

  8. I have never tried SriLankan food but I’m fan of spicy food! I have seen this sauce so many times in store, but never thought to try it! I think, next time, I will buy one for sure!

  9. Love the packet idea! It reminds me of back when I was in Boy Scouts and we would wrap our dinner (usually meat, potatoes, and carrots) in foil and bury them under the coals of the fire for an hour and then have a delicious meal ready for us. We also would do some peach cobbler that way which was ah-maz-ing!

  10. This looks like my kind of meal. Beautiful flavours. I have a friend who is Sri Lankan and he likes his food super-hot. Whenever he goes anywhere for dinner he always takes with him a little bag of chillies. He can’t eat food that isn’t on fire. He always appreciates that when he comes to our house for dinner, I make something super-spicy xx

  11. I’m not a huge fan of super spicy food, and I think I’ve never tried Sri Lankan cuisine. But the chicken looks great and not that hot (deceiving, eh?) And MANGO! I’m ready to suffer if there is a mango incorporated. Give me an additional jar of that Sauce please:) Nicely done, Shashi!

  12. During the hot weather, we do a lot of packet grilling and this one looks awesome! Love the simplicity of it and combination of ingredients is perfect, and we do love spicy! On the menu!

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