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  1. So now I want to go to Cherians too, and check out the cafe. You girls have good taste. But even more, I want to come to your house and try these scrumptious spinach pakoras! So delicious and healthy too. I’d like to try your version and Asha’s too, with the chick pea and rice flour. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead, my friend. XOXO

  2. Hi Shashi,
    The cookbook of Asha looks very interesting! As I often cook meatball for my family. On this recipe, I specially love how the meat mix the spinach to make into the balls, very healthy and delish!
    I’m looking forward to seeing more recipe in this cookbook to decide whether I should buy it or not 🙂

  3. This looks so so tasty! At my university they used to have a stall selling these outside most lunch times – this really takes me back. Yum! I’ll try making these for myself.

  4. Asha’s cookbook looks awesome. Spinach fritters are one of my favorite recipes. I always make this recipe using chickpea flour. And I also prefer adding little rice flour to it to give it some crunchy taste. But this time I Think I will make it using all-purpose flour. Thanks for sharing. Pinning

  5. This cookbook sounds amazing! And Cherians also sounds amazing. I’m seriously hoping they weren’t open back when we lived down there because I can’t deal with the thought of that store being open and us not visiting it. Guess we just need to move back south, huh? 🙂 I’m all about these pakoras! I had pakoras for the first time just a couple of years ago, and now I’m hooked…but I’ve never thought about making them at home myself. Maybe you should send Lil Shashi up here to teach us how to make ’em? Haha!

  6. I was lucky enough to receive a day of cookery at an Indian cook school a few years ago as a birthday present and we made pakoras. I’ve made them a few times since, but always to that same recipe I learnt on that day. It’ll make a nice change to cook a different pakora recipe, so this has come in at exactly the right time! Thanks Shashi. I’d love to get a copy of that cookbook to check out the other recipes you mention too, so I’ll put it on my Amazon wishlist! 🙂

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