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  1. Oh to be a fly on the wall (siding?) to see you hiding in the bushes….you make me laugh. But these cookies are no laughing matter! So delicious. Anything with candied ginger is such a mouthwatering treat. I’ll take a baker’s dozen delivered in person, just in time for Thanksgiving. (pretty please, with white chocolate drizzle on top.)

    1. Haha – and I’d do it too! But, it’s a sellers market on our street so i don’t think that would work – but, no harm in trying right? 🙂
      BTW – Thanks so much Allie!

  2. 😯 Shashi! This flavour combination is incredible! It’s been a while since I’ve had candied ginger, but you’ve given me the biggest craving for it. Or, better yet, for soft and chewy oatmeal cookies WITH candied ginger. And white chocolate. Ohhh k. It’s not even 8am yet and I may have to run to the kitchen to do some baking 😆

    1. Haha – you sound like me when I see one of your recipes! Like those insane chocolate cheesecakey type bars! Thanks so much Amanda for linking this up again!

  3. Wonderful looking cookies. I bought a little bag of candied ginger recently for something else, I am glad I can use the rest of it now. I suppose I can use normal flour and oatmeal, isn’t it, as I don’t have any issues with gluten.

    1. Yes – I am most certain you could use regular flour, Adina! BTW Thanks so much! I hate to admit this but candied ginger doesn’t last long in our house, I love snacking on it!

  4. Hallmark has some pretty great Holiday gifts! I’m totally going to have to check out their site, because the closest hallmark store to me out here in the country is over an hour away. LOVING these cookies, my dear! Candied ginger and oatmeal sounds stellar, but that white chocolate glaze takes these way over the top! SO YUM! I know your neighbor is giong to LOVE these! I wish I was your neighbor, because I would LOVE them, thats for sure! Pinned! Cheers, my dear! xo

    1. Hey Cheyanne – their ornaments are available at Walmart stores – is there one near you? I got this ornament there – they were in the seasonal gifts/wrapping paper area.
      P.S. hey – you can be my neighbor…apparently we are gonna have a house on the market soon! 🙂
      Thanks so much BTW! XO

  5. Okay how is it possible these cookies are THAT easy to make and healthy and droolworthy?! MY mom adores oatmeal cookies , especially at breakfast. I will have to make these when I’m visiting over the holidays 🙂

  6. Omgggggg I love love candied ginger. Well, ginger in general, but every single week I treat myself to an acai bowl with candied ginger on it because it’s my favorite. I bet it would be extra delicious in cookies!

  7. What a fantastic story Shashi. You are so lucky to have such an angel in your life and even if that angel must move. . .I am certain that she will contain to be an important part of your life (although charging at would be buyers still might be in order. . .at the very least it would be fun and give the buyers something interesting to talk about 🙂 ).

    As for these cookies. . .they are simply divine. I love that you added a little zip to them with the candied ginger.

    1. Haha – Thanks Lynn – I think I might just try charging would be buyers after all! 🙂
      BTW – Thanks so much! A little candied ginger goes a long way!

  8. What a great gift idea, Shashi! I love the cookies (yay candied ginger!), and the ornament is such a special way to thank your neighbor for being awesome. I had a similar situation a while back, and I told my friends that I was going to sit in a folding chair on my lawn with no shirt and drink beer all afternoon whenever they were showing their house. It didn’t work (although I may have backed out on my plan, too…) Either way, great post! It made me smile! 🙂

    1. Hahaha! Good neighbors can be hard to find sometimes – it’s hard to let go – I’m thinking I should sell my place too and move next door to her wherever she may move to… though that maybe a little creepy too eh?! 🙂
      BTW Thanks so much David!

  9. Well you have perfect timing! I just bought candied ginger pieces and have been trying to decide what to do with them!! These cookies look wonderful! Have an absolutely fantastic Thanksgiving Shashi!!!

    1. Thanks so much Ashley!
      I simply just snack on candied ginger – sometimes I throw a chunck into ma mouf along with a piece of white chocolate and mmm mmm mm heaven in ma mouf! 🙂

      1. Haha Ben – you crack me up! Sure send me your address and I’ll send you some of these – but I do function on the barter system – just saying! 🙂

  10. These are so beautiful Shashi, I love the festive white chocolate on top!!! Ginger cookies are my favourite cookies to make, and I love how these are gluten free. Ginger and white chocolate go so well together. Fantastic recipe!

  11. Oh! These candied cookies look fabulous, Shashi. White chocolate drizzle is enough to winning my heart. Love they are gluten-free too! 🙂

  12. Love that you have combined candied ginger and white chocolate, yum! What a blessing to have such a sweet, kind neighbor.

    1. Thanks so much Chris! It is a blessing indeed! We used to have neighbors who would bring us fresh baked cinnamon rolls on Christmas day morning – but they moved away – seems to be the trend in this neighborhood 🙁

    1. Thanks so much Pamela – so I have a confession, sometimes I snack on a piece of candied ginger and a few chunks of white chocolate – so these cookies stemmed from that!

  13. She sounds amazing, Shashi, sorry to hear she is thinking about selling her home. These cookies look so delicious and perfect for gift-giving! Love the candied ginger. My everyday angel is my mom 🙂

    1. Aww so sweet that you picked your mom Kelly! BTW -Thanks so much! Prices are going up like crazy – it’s a good time to sell and she mentioned moving closer to her kids 🙁

  14. Those cookies look amazing! I wish I had a neighbour who would bring my cookies. Being in mainland Europe has made me appreciate “normal” neighbour behaviour. In London, you typically don’t even say hello to your neighbours if you see them – even when you live in the same building! It’s much nicer to have a quick chat with someone – especially if there’s cookies involved 🙂

    1. Oh wow – it’s been ages since we lived in London (we lived in a tiny town near Wimbledon) I didn’t know it was like that there – things have changed. Yes, Tara a quick chat is definitely nicer when cookies are involved! 🙂

  15. These look absolutely amazing and your story brought tears to my eyes! Reminding me of my own every day angel. What a perfect ornament to commemorate your friend! #client

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