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  1. These cookies look delicious with the Simply Sesame’s Vanilla with Almond Bites Spread! Great way to start the day on a tasty note. I am a bit glad that your snow was a bust. I flew out of Atlanta on Saturday and the airport was a mess from the cancellations earlier.

  2. I totally remember seeing the Snowmaggedon of 2014 on the news. That was insane. And Lil Shashi is quite brave to set out with that kind of weather forecast, but hey…it worked out! And you got to spend time with your mom + sis. That’s always worth the trip! Sorry to hear that you didn’t get much fun stuff out of this storm though. Of course, once you move up to Albany later this year, you’ll see plenty of “fun”. 😉 Just make sure to pack a whole carload of these cookies for the trip up, ok?

    1. Haha – yup snowmogadden 2014 was cray cray – I had a few co-workers who were stranded for 8 to 10 hours – one took 13 hours to go home, and he had to park his car and walk over the hill to his neighborhood! Nutso! To be fair tho, Lil Shashi was following the forecast which didn’t have snow coming in till around 11 pm that night – not sure where Atlanta meteorologists got their “facts” from but they were way off! If said snow was rolling in at 4pm, I would have not gone anywhere – in 2008 or so, Lil S and I decided to head to the Big Apple Circus inspite of a snow warning and then got stuck trying to turn around in it – fun times!
      Btw, thanks bunches David, next time I’ll drone you some of these instead of those beet cookies! 🙂

  3. Funny how sometimes when the weather forecast says we are going to have a lot of snow and then don’t and then when we aren’t expecting snow, that’s when we get it. That’s how it usually is around here anyway 🙂 Sounds like you had a lovely time, though, visiting your mother and sister and those cookies certainly had to have made the trip that much better. Snow or not, these cookies sound delicious and love how few ingredients there are! Pinning and can’t wait to try. Hope your week is going great!

    1. Hahaha – you are spot on, Dawn! That’s what happened in 2014 here in Atlanta, there was a slight chance of snow and since we don’t usually get any, life went on as usual without any early closings – then the snow came FOR REAL and things were a total mess! School buses got stranded with kids on them – people (some of my co-workers) were stranded for 8 – 12 hours – it was insane! I think ever since, even the slightest indication of snow have the authorities shutting everything down just because of the mess of 2014!
      BTW – thanks so much!

  4. girl! it’s totally snowmogadden here too! we should be baking cookies together. I’m intrigued by that sesame paste. It looks way thicker than tahini, which i know i would love! YUM!

    1. Girrl – our snowmogadden turned into a dustmegeddon with only a smithering of snow – but am all for baking together – because I get to eat YOUR treats – and having sampled some already all I can say is Whoohoo – win win for me! 🙂
      Yes – Simply sesame spreads are way thicker than tahini and they are sweeter too – even the plain one – speaking of which – I have an extra, unopened one – pretty puhlease email/msg me your address and I’ll put it in the mail to ya!

  5. I am always game for a breakfast cookie. However this one is really different with the sesame almond spread. Does it kind of taste like tahini with almonds and vanilla? I miss having access to black sesame paste in Asia. Wishing you a super 2017! Just pinned!

    1. Thanks so much Bobbi!
      Hmmm…so, to me, the Simply Sesame spreads are not like tahini at all – they are a bit on the sweeter side and the texture is a lot more like slightly runny peanut butter. though I have seen quite a few recipes using tahini in cookies and cakes and all – Bobbi-have you tried Amazon for the black sesame paste?
      Happy New Year to you too, sweet friend!

  6. I hope you guys stayed safe during the storm! The stores here were crazy on Friday as well! I sent Boy to go deal with that nonsense, because I don’t do crowds. **insert angel face here** Wish we would have had some of these cookies while we were hunkered down during the storm! These look amazing, Shashi! LOVE the flavors! Plus any cookies that I can have for breakfast is winning in my book! Cheers, dear! <3

    1. Haha – yup, I avoided grocery stores too that Friday! Fortunately for us – that snow made a detour – we hardly got any, like a friend of mine said, “it looked like frosty sneezed on our front lawn” the morning after the storm supposedly passed through!
      Hope y’all didn’t have any outages or anything! And thanks so much, sweet friend! xo

  7. Any day that I can have cookies for breakfast is going to be a great day! These breakfast cookies would be a welcomed way to start my day! They look totally addicting!

  8. Ha! That story SO reminds me of here in the UK. Everyone goes crazy at the slightest mention of snow, and it usually turns out to be a tiny dusting!

    The cookies truly look AMAZING, Shashi. They look like something you’d buy from a posh patisserie, and sound like my idea of heaven.

    Thanks so much for the idea – I really want to give these a go!

    1. You are just way too kind! Thanks so much Helen!
      I so hope you do try these – if you can find Simply Sesame spread there, it ads quite a unique twist – but, if you cannot, plain old almond butter would work too.

  9. Why? How? This is just outrageous behavior, Shashi! Well, I’m not talking about you – I’m talking about myself. Because how could I miss these amazing cookies? Almond? Sesami? Coconut sugar (Like you used this cause it introduces such a lovely caramel flavor)? I know there’s no hope that any cookies left, but if you’re going to make another batch soon (like right now), please don’t forget me:)

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