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  1. You know, Shashi. I could help you out with Latin. We could start an intensive course, and after a few weeks (maybe a few months), I’ll have you up and running with your Latin speaking skills. Then you can hang out with the Pope AND you’ll be ready for the start of next football season. All I require is some of these amazing looking patties. You’re a master at creative unique recipes, and this one definitely fits the bill. Sounds delicious!!

  2. haha our team is out of the playoffs now so the super bowl is definitely going to be all about the food! Although who are we kidding … I think for me it’s always more about the food than anything! These patties sound fantastic Shashi!

  3. I agree- most football get togethers don’t have vegetarian and healthy options 🙁 These look flavorful and delicious! Great idea, pinned!

  4. Lol, I took 4 semesters of Latin in college, but I’m much more fluent in the language of food!! 😉 Love these pinto and coconut patties, Shashi! Such a unique combination! I bet these taste fabulous!! Love that you are bringing the vegetarian love to the football parties! Wish I lived closer because I’d invite myself to whatever party you are attending! You are always so creative! Love it! Cheers, sweets! Xoxo

  5. Haha the food is my favorite part about game day 🙂 I am always looking for more vegetarian snack options and these patties sound perfect, Shashi! Love the coconut flour!

  6. It wasn’t until I fully read the recipe and you said “sandwiched between buns” that I thought, these would have been amazing for me to have had on the day trip I’ve got planned in the Scottish mountains on Saturday!

    I’ll pin this for next time. I’ve already sorted out my food for Saturday, but I can imagine really enjoying these in the fresh cold snowy air!

  7. You my friend, hit the nail on the head. Football, is another LANGUAGE. And I am surrounded by men who are yelling out things like PUNT! And then there’s Hudson, who stands right in the MIDDLE of the action in front of the screen that they’re all trying to see. And he cheers, yells and grunts. It’s really funny to see. He’s got the spirit, just not the words. I have visited Sprouts and I wish we had one around here. You are so creative with this dish. I would love a pinto bean and coconut slider for lunch. Like today. So I’ll expect to see you any minute now with my special delivery…it’s 12:37 now, so chop chop. XOXO

  8. Sashi what a fabulous idea this is with all the goodness in it. I love that you add coconut in it, so much flavor. I visit Sprouts often and love it. We have so many Vegetarian friend and I love my veggie food, this is a great option and looks darn delicious.
    Great one my friend. Pinning for sure.

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