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  1. I need to work on tasting my food at every stage of the cooking/preparation process as well. I do love the colour of your soup and I think a little bit of heat from the jalepenos would be wonderful xx

  2. I know summer is coming to an end in the US but in Mumbai, the temperatures are seriously warming up….so this recipe couldn’t have come at a more perfect time! It sounds so refreshing, lovely colour too! This culinary event sounds awesome- I would love to see a professional chef in action, especially one who really works with what/he she has available i.e. local, sustainable + basic ingredients!

    1. Khushboo – this was such an awesome combo of flavors – when I first tasted chef Anne’s concoction, I was blown away – the different layers from the spicy to the sweet to the salty to the sour…wow!

    1. What??? You are incredibly creative, Maureen – but I guess it’s all a matter of perspective – I could never dream up a patti like the one you whipped up!

  3. I can picture this melon and chill soup and love it. I so see how that would work out grand on your taste palate. I personally love playing with my food and I am so glad you had this experience. I would have love to have attended. Have a super week. Take care, BAM

    1. So…..maybe…just maybe if you had stopped here in Atlanta instead of whizzing through at “eleventy million” mph – you could have accompanied me – I had an extra ticket…just saying…but, you could make it up to me by sending me some GF mini brownies…just saying…
      Thanks for pinning and the Twitter luv on the beets!

  4. I love this! And omg i’m so jealous you got to do the James Beard Foundations tasting. That must have been an awesome experience! And lol i have the same problem with tasting… things rarely get finished.. cookie dough remains uncooked and eaten on spoons, etc ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. This was an awesome experience Charlotte, – they had 2 hour long tastings/demos and another in the evening that was longer – I only had time to spare to attend one…but some Atlanta Food Blogger Society members attended more.

      P.S. I learnedmy lesson – am not tasting any more – hopefully I won’t bake a cake with salt instead of sugar again!

  5. Love that and I think the combination of the refreshing melon with the spicy pepper is beautiful. A friend of mine makes an appetizer with watermelon and jalapeno, it’s delicious. Great post and a very innovative chef.

    1. Ooh – an appetizer with watermelon and jalapeno sounds delish! Suzanne, I had never tried melons with chilies before – my tastebuds were rocking! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Loving this post Shashi! The Sur la Table store right down the street from where I live always hosts a series of free, in-store consumer events including book signings, tastings and cooking demonstrations. It’s such a cool spot. I wish I had more time and could attend some of those events… ;(

    1. I am jealous – you have a Sur La Table just down the street? The one I went to was a 45 minute drive away…on second thought, if I had one close by, I will be spending way to much time and money there…that’s it, am not jealous anymore ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kim – we are having TECHmunch next Friday here in Atlanta and Southwest airlines is having a HUGE sale and I have a guest room…just saying… ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!

  7. What an awesome event and so glad it inspired you too ๐Ÿ™‚ This soup looks so refreshing and I love the flavor combinations ๐Ÿ™‚ So so pretty too – pinning!

    1. Cassandra – this was so good – the sweet melons,the salt, the apple cider vinegar and the chilies – I was mesmerized – the chef was BRILLIANT!

  8. That definitely sounds different, but in a good way! I’m with you on the “let’s just have a taste…oh crap, where did the entire pot/bowl/pitcher go?” moments. ๐Ÿ˜ก

  9. That culinary event looks like it was so much fun! I am doing something like that next month. Love the soup…I love new and different flavor combos.

  10. Oh you are so funny!!! I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve totally changed direction or just “stopped” after tasting something “in progress”. Love this “juice” and that kick of jalapeno slices were the perfect finish. Much better than poached shrimp in my opinion. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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