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  1. I’m sure you gonna enjoy SoFab conference! These conferences are really fun and great way to meet fellow bloggers. LOVE this watermelon parfait with chia! Sound so refreshing! perfect for summer!

  2. This conference sounds so good, Shashi! I am very sure, you will have lots of fun there. I wish I could join you! But right now I am so obsessed this watermelon chia pudding. Girl, you are GENIUS! How did you come up with this brilliant idea? I need to make it ASAP, or I will just scratch my screen to have this deliciousness! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Haha – thanks so much Anu! This came about quite by chance – and don’t you wish we could all have scratch and sniff – or (better yet) scratch and taste screens???

    1. Wait – you are going to Paris??? I am excited to be going to the conference and all – but ya think we could switch???
      Thanks Katie – sometimes, I’ve done the opposite and made it too thick – clumpy chia is no fun to chew on!

  3. Dear Shashi, I love the sound of this parfait. The best part about fresh watermelon is sipping on that juice. I know I would love this! How exciting that you will be attending the SoFabU stop in Atlanta. I cannot wait to hear all about it. I wish I could have made the one in NYC this summer, maybe next year. Have a wonderful day dear, Catherine xo

  4. I definitely share your love for watermelon. I have been eating so much this summer and love finding new uses for it. This looks fantastic

  5. What a genius idea, Shashi! This recipe just screams summer…and delicious! So I think we definitely have a common denominator or two. (1) We love food. (2) We both have bad mailmen. Guess I’ll just have to make this one myself. Hah! Enjoy the conference…it sounds like a blast!! And tell Nate I said hello. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks David!
      Duude – wish you and Laura were coming – but might not be the most comfortable thing for her to be traveling then eh?
      I need to find out where Kevin got his drone from that he used to deliver those chilies – because all other drones seem to “malfunction” as they approach your house…

    1. You tap my shoulder at the conference and I might just pee my pants!!! Just kidding – seriously though, I would be thrilled if you did that! I wish you were coming too …

  6. Your watermelon chia parfait, sounds so refreshing and delicious. I have yet to try making a chia pudding but you have inspired me to try. Have a blast at the blogging conference and I can’t wait to hear about it.

    1. Thanks so much Bobbi! Chia puddings are super easy – I make a chocolate one for my daughter – and she loves it, eats it and doesn’t complain – so I am thinking your boys will love it too – fingers crossed! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I need to look into some conferences for this year… we’ll see, it’s always so hard with my husband’s travel schedule!

    I have been all about watermelon with something creamy this summer – I would happily devour one of these parfaits!!

    1. Hey – we are practically neighbors – right? I hope you manage to make it Ashley – I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and it would be so awesome to chat in person!

  8. The conference sounds really fun and great, Shashi. I have tried all the different kinds of fruits with chia, but still haven’t played it with watermelon. Gotta give this a try!

  9. Sashi, I’m glad we have a common denominator, it sure does help. Also, tbh, I parent both so differently.
    To this lovely fresh summer dessert is absolutely an amazing idea. Never thought of it, well our genius friend did. A big kudos for that.
    Enjoy that conference and looking forward to hearing from you.

  10. Common denominator — yes! You know why we clicked so well? Because we both love oats, chocolate, and nut butter for breakfast ๐Ÿ˜› And this has seriously got to be one of the most hydrating and refreshing things for summer. I haven’t been able to get enough watermelon this season, and I imagine that adding chia would just make it that much more satisfying. Love it, Shashi!

    1. Haha – you are right on! From oats and chocolate and nutbutter and chips and salsa and watermelon…good gosh…what do we not like????
      I have been going through 1 large watermelon a week – but it sure has been refreshing – specially the juice – with a little bit of lime!

  11. Whoops, not sure if my comment went through — delete if this is a duplicate. Anyway, I’ll bet you’ll have a great time at the conference! And I love popsicles — so much fun to eat. Never had one with coffee — perfect for breakfast!

  12. I’m with you. . I’m closest with the people where I have at least a few things in common with . . the SoFabU conference sounds great!!! and love this parfait!!

  13. I love chia seeds and watermelon, so this recipe is right up my alley. I’m also going to see if I can attend this SoFab event, it looks pretty awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Shashi

  14. I used to believe all that opposites attract nonsense but…i don’t think thats true either!
    I’m open minded and love to learn why such and such, but man, is it difficult if you disagree on everything!
    Maybe I’m old and intolerant now! Who knows?
    This parfait however, no doubt, we’d agree on this!
    Look fabulous!!!

    1. Nazneen – if you think you are old and intolerant, then I am thinking I am too! I so agree – having so many differences means so so many topics are off hand as they only end in disagreements…

  15. I whole heartedly agree. Different tastes and opinions is what makes this world so much more interesting! Unfortunately I do not prefer cucumber water to this parfait so you will at best have to share, at worst, I eat so quickly you may miss out on it completely!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Sharing!

    1. Haha – Nagi, I was an only child for 5 years – and now I have sharing issues! Ugh – but I am a slow eater – I am gonna start speed-eating classes for when we meet one day!
      Thanks so much BTW!

    1. Thanks bunches Loraine – I love summer – and as soon as November comes around, I start longing for summer again – maybe I need to live over here for spring and summer and move there and catch spring and summer again! Ooh that would be a dream come true! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. This looks like such a wonderfully fresh recipe. I’m so jealous of you guys having lots of “blogger” conferences and events over there. Blogging isn’t really as much of a thing here, as it is there. I guess I’m just “unique” right? ๐Ÿ˜†

    1. Hey Neil, in my books “unique” is always a good thing! Y’all might not have as many blogging conferences there – but y’all have those amazingly scenic views and hikes ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Have an amazing time at the conference Shashi! This parfait looks amazing and I love chia seeds! The watermelon sounds so refreshing too. What a perfect summer recipe!

  18. This Summer fresh dessert is PERFECT!! Love the whole idea of making it with watermelon.. So refreshing!! The conference sounds amazing.. Have fun at the conference, Sashi!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. The conference sounds so interesting, I bet you’re going to have a blast!
    I never thought of pairing chia with watermelon. That’s a every clever idea, I need to try this asap!

  20. The conference sounds so interesting. I really hope that you will have loads of fun ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love watermelon and it is so refreshing for summer. I have never tried this recipe before and I can’t wait to try it. Thank you for this delicious recipe.

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