Almond Turkey Burgers
Simple, gluten-free, turkey burgers with Blue Diamond Nut Thins added in. Enjoyed with a caramelized onion and tomato sauce in lettuce wraps.
Desmond Tutu once said “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”…and yesterday evening, I was so overwhelmed by the goodness that came my way!
A few weeks ago, I received an American Express Gift Card for $250 in the mail as, by some good fortune, my blueberry kiribath recipe had managed to procure a runner up position in a contest.
When I received that gift card, I figured I would hold onto it as I had just been told that my daughter’s car needed to have an air bag sensor in the passenger cushion replaced. The dealership that I have been frequenting for awhile now, also informed me that the very expensive part would take a few days to get there.
However, in those extremely busy few days, somewhere between my car and my daughter’s car and all the stops I made, I managed to misplace that gift card – or so I thought! I tore up the house, our cars, even dug through the trash – but could not find that gift card anywhere!
Then last evening, the dealership called me to let me know the part had come in; so, my daughter and I drove her car in to have that air bag sensor replaced. I was so dejected that I had misplaced that gift card as that would have covered a good chunk of that repair. However, after a couple of hours, the repair was done and I paid and we went to get into the car and drive off.
The car had been parked further than normal and when I got in on the passenger side, I saw that gift card lying on the seat! I can only assume that it dropped behind the seat cushion and one of the mechanics found it as they replaced the seat cushion and then placed it back on the seat.
They could have very easily taken it and I wouldn’t have known at all. Tomorrow I plan on going back to find out who it was who worked on my car – because this mechanic’s goodness so overwhelmed me!
Speaking of being overwhelmed, Blue Diamond Almond Nut Thins hijacked my daughter’s and my tastebuds when we dug into a package of them for the first time last night! As we had planned on making stove top turkey burgers, I crushed up some of these gluten free Nut Thins and added them to the burgers. Now, crackers being added to burgers is nothing new – but, y’all – Nut Thins in burgers provides for an overwhelmingly wonderful taste experience! I am thinking y’all will enjoy these Almond Turkey Burgers as much as we did!

- 1 cup Blue Diamond Almond Nut Thins ground up yields 1/2 cup
- 1 egg
- 1 lb turkey
- 3 teaspoons cilantro chopped up
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 teaspoon coriander
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- olive oil
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 6 oz tomato paste
- 1 onion
- salt and pepper to taste
- Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well
- Form into 9 balls and flatten
- Heat the oil over a medium flame and add flattened almond turkey balls (4 to 5 at a time) and cook for about 3-4 minutes till browned. Flip and repeat.
- Chop up the onion and saute in the olive oil for 20-25 minutes till caramelized
- Add the caramelized onions to a blender, along with the tomato paste, salt, and pepper, and pulse till smooth
- Enjoy with the burgers
These turkey burgers are just perfect! Never tried blue diamond nut thins. Love the story! Glad to hear there still are honest people left ๐
Thanks so much Mira! I sure hope you get to try some BD Nut Thins soon!
Loaded with healthy protein and flavor, these burger patties are a must try. I am sharing it on Pinterest!
I love the combination of all those spices in your turkey burgers shashi. I bet they give this a real “zing”. ๐
Neil – I know that you know very well, the wonderful “zing” spices add to just about everything they are added too! Thanks so much! ๐
That is a good story and it’s wonderful to know there are still some honest people left in the world. Your burgers look really good and I love the addition of the crackers xx
Thanks so much Charlie! Yes, it is wonderful indeed!
These turkey patties look absolutely mouthwatering.
Thanks Angie!!
it is so nice to hear about good, honest people. bless that mechanic..and these burgers look amazing!!!
Yes – good people are gems! Thanks so much Dixya!
These look so good! Great idea using the nut thins in the buger! Pinning ๐
Thanks so very much Bethany and Rachel!
Love these! Our family inhaled them with cheese dip.
What a great story Shashi! So glad the gift card was found.
Thanks so much Melanie! Thanks for reminding me about your dip…now am drooling!
Wow! What a great story about the mechanic. You are totally right that it would have been easy for him to just take the gift card and not say anything. I wish everyone was like this, but at least there are awesome people out there like this guy. He totally deserves an almond turkey burger for that! Speaking of almond turkey burgers, ummm…woah! I’ve never thought about this flavor combo, but it sounds delicious. And I totally need to go check out these Nut Thins now!
Thanks so much David! Actually, I find out it had been 2 mechanics who worked on Lil Shashi’s car, and talk about decent! I went by to drop off some cookies and gift cards (there were no leftover burgers) and I was blown away by how gracious and humble both were.
Doesn’t it just restore faith in humanity when people do the right thing? Would have driven me crazy to lose that gift card….congratulations on winning it in the first place! Woo hoo!!! Happy for you. Your turkey burgers look great, I’ve been experimenting some with turkey in burgers. Love how they don’t shrink up to nothingness on the grill. These look great!!!
Thanks so much Allie! I had to go by the dealership and thank the mechanics and they were so incredibly humble and gracious.
Yes, ground turkey makes for some juicy burgers!
I love everything in these, including the sauce! Pinned!
Thanks so much Cindy
Proof that there is still humanity in this world- Glad it got sorted in the end AND that you won that gift card! Now this recipe- So much yes. I LOVE using crackers OR almond meal in my burgers so Blue Diamond nut thins are the best of both worlds! Cheers Shashi!
Thanks so much Arman! Have you tried the Nut Thins yet? Wonder how they’d be in burgers with blue cheese too? hmmm….
you always share such wonderful stories. So glad there are kind honest people left in the world, and these BURGERS!
Thanks Lindsay – yes,I’ve been so fortunate to run into a bunch of them – in and outside of my computer ๐
I love all the seasonings in this burger – so flavorful!
These look wonderful, Shashi! I think they’d be great as a sausage substitute at breakfast time too…
Oh my gosh, that is SUCH a feel good story!! Amazing.
Great story! And lovely looking turkey burgers. Love Blue Diamond almonds — their smoked ones are the best, IMO. Anyway, thanks for htis.
I’ve tried these Nut Thins, they’re pretty tasty. I bet they tasted good in those lovely looking burgers! Thats a lovely story too about the mechanic, there’ are a few good souls still left.
Ah, I love turkey burgers, and using Nut Thins in them is such an awesome idea! :D!
These burgers look so beautiful and are filled with so many delicious flavours! I love that you used nut thins to make them too – they sound amazing! I really need to try them! I will definitely have to make these burgers ๐
I think of myself of somewhat of a burger connoisseur (I dream of opening an burger joint) and these my friend sound perfect! Congrats again on your contest win ๐
Congratulations on winning a gift card with one of your recipes! That’s awesome! I love those almond nut things but never would have considered grinding them and putting them into a burger. Very clever! And what a healthy burger.
It’s so good to know that there are good people around!
Whoa!!!!! reading your post gives me hope that humanity still does exist!!!! ๐ These burgers look GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! Omg I just want to sink my teeth into them!!!!!