Honey Mustard Turkey Balls with Honey Mustard Yogurt Dip!
Mouthwatering honey mustard flavored turkey balls with Goldfish crackers and an accompanying honey-mustard yogurt dip! Get ready for these to put a smile on YOUR face!

Oh-me-oh-my! We are already one week into 2015 and I have yet to make any New Year Resolutions…though, after the last couple of years, I am thinking I might need to resolve to NOT make any new resolutions! Last year, being tired of not knowing anything about the shows people at the water cooler were taking about, I resolved to watch more TV. But, other than a Friday Night Lights marathon (while snacking on Sweet Potato Pancakes and Goldfish crackers and Brownies), I failed miserably. I still have no idea why Orange has to be the New Black (why can’t it be blue?) or what “Bad” is actually being “Broken”…is there a word or two missing between Breaking and Bad?

At this point, I think I know more about football plays than TV shows and when my daughter grabs the remote to switch channels when commercials come on during a football game – I grab the last Brownie and threaten to eat it as I hand wrestle her for the remote! Yes, food can be a great negotiator!
Speaking of wrestling, when I picked up some Goldfish crackers for snacking during the Big Game, I kept wrestling with an idea to use them in turkey-balls, with honey and mustard! At first, even I thought Goldfish crackers and turkey were an odd combination! When I mentioned it to my daughter, she thought I had finally lost it – “mom you’re bonkers” were her exact words!

But, I threw caution to the wind and figured oh what the heck – if these don’t turn out so good, I will just stick to brownies! But, when these Turkey Balls laced with Goldfish crackers popped out of the oven, their smell enticed us to risk tongue damage by scarfing one down pronto! Even without an accompanying dip AND piping hot, these were fantastic!

If you decide to make these and have little helpers around, you could get them to smash up the Goldfish crackers. They say “there is transformative power behind a little smile” and these turkey balls laced with Goldfish crackers, and honey and mustard will surely leave you smiling!

For The Turkey Balls
- 1.25 lbs of ground turkey
- 1 cup Whole Grain Goldfish crackers
- 3 cloves garlic finely chopped
- 1 egg
- 1/2 a large onion or 1 small one – finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons spicy brown mustard
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 tablespoon dried or fresh parsley
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon pepper
For The Dip
- 3 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt
- 2 tablespoons spicy brown mustard
- 1 tablespoon honey
- For The Turkey Balls
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees
- Place the Goldfish in a plastic bag and using a rolling pin, smash it up to resemble bread crumbs
- Place the turkey, Goldfish, garlic, egg, onion, spicy brown mustard, honey, parsley, salt, and pepper in a bowl and mix well
- Form into balls and place on a foil-lined baking tray and bake for 30 minutes
- For the Dip Mix the yogurt, honey and mustard together and enjoy with the turkey balls
LOL! So funny. I have yet to watch Friday Night Lights, but I’ve watched Orange and Breaking Bad. Hope you enjoy both when you do. They are goooooood. Also, I love these clever Honey Mustard Turkey Balls. Nice job!
Thanks so much Sean! I am gonna try to catch at least one episode of each of those before the year is up – fingers crossed! Happy Wednesday!
Lovely recipe! I’ve been thinking lately of trying to make some kind of meat balls from ground Turkey and you’ve beaten me to it here Sashi! This recipe sounds amazing and as for the dip……. I love the combination! 😀
Thanks so much Neil – In our house, we do love our ground turkey (and, sometimes chicken) balls 🙂
We have a package of goldfish in our pantry lucky for us so we can try your recipe!
Bobbie – I don’t know if they are available there yet, but Goldfish Puffs are gluten free!
A fantastic recipe, Shashi. My husband loves dishes made with ground meat. The Greek yogurt dip looks great too.
Thanks so much Angie!
This sounds awesome! 😀 I’ve never thought of using goldfish crackers in meatballs! <3
Thanks so much Farrah!
YES to turkey balls! Lol to watching more TV as your resolution…. I think you’re the minority in that one! Like most people should probably watch way less..
Haha – I know I am in the minority – it’s sad really, my idea of a dream evening is lounging around watching tv without a thing to do – but life seems to always keep me too busy for it! 🙂
Haha I like your commentary on current tv…although I must say I do watch my fair share of it! I love that you just went with your gut instinct on this one. These sound great!
Thanks so much Joanne! I think I might need you to give me the Cliffs notes version of Breaking Bad and Orange is the New Black… 🙂
These Turkey Balls look so good! I Bet the goldfish gives a nice cheesy flavor! Yum
Thanks so much! Yes – cheesy and salty!
Haha…I haven’t watched any of the shows you mentioned, but I bet your daughter and I could have one heck of an awesome conversation about football! Also, this has to be one of the most unique ways to use Goldfish crackers ever! I love Goldfish (esp the pretzel version), and I’m pretty sure I’ll be grabbing those next time I go to Walmart now. 🙂
Thanks so much David!
You know, my original plan was to use the pretzel Goldfish crackers in these turkey balls, but I couldn’t find them in the large pkg – them pretzel ones are my favorite too!
GOLDFISH IN TURKEY BALLS? This is pure genius! It’s like my favorite childhood snack is now pleasing my healthy, adult-person taste buds. And that honey mustard yogurt dip? Gimme dat. Pinned!
Haha – Oh thanks so much Taylor! You, my friend, are way too kind!
How interesting! Didn’t know such creativity existed for the life of the little fish. Cool!
Have a beautiful Wednesday!
Thanks so much Melanie! Hope you have a beautiful Wednesday too!
Goldfish laced meatballs… now there’s something I wish my mom tried when I wouldn’t eat my spaghetti as a little kid — awesome idea, Shashi! And I wish I could help you on the resolution front, but I’m still ironing mine out as well. I might give up on that idea and go the “one word” route instead, where you pick a word to motivate everything you do throughout the entire year. Seems like a good idea 🙂
Thanks Amanda! I love your idea of a motivating word a day! Such a BRILLIANT IDEA!!!
Btw, not entirely the same as a motivating word a day – but, I saw a video on Huffington Post last night of this time lapsed video this chap did with a word a day that he strung together at the end of 365 days, I thought it was pretty interesting – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/06/ben-schmidt-timelapse_n_6425314.html
Goldfish are such an addictive snack, aren’t they? Gotta eat them by the handful! Never thought to use them as an ingredient, though. Love the idea of these turkey balls! Very creative — thanks.
Thanks so much John!
LOVE the idea of adding Goldfish crackers to meatballs — so unique and creative! And I bet they add tons of flavor. I can’t say I’ve made many resolutions either, but I do have a few post-baby pounds to lose…. Lol
Thanks so much Ashley!
I know how I can help you with your goal – just box up all those delicious brownies and cakes and muffins you make and send them to ME!!! 🙂
i love goldfish crackers but have never thought of incorporating them into this. yum! i just usually stick my hand in the bag and gorge on the cheesy yumminess.
– laura from http://scribblesandsass.com
Thank you Laura – I so appreciate your sweet comment- thanks so much for stopping by…
I totally miss goldfish! One of my favorite childhood snacks!
Rebecca – have you tried the pretzel ones? They so appeal to my semi-grown up state 😉
These look amazing! What a creative combo! My toddler got a bag of Goldfish in his stocking this year and it was his favorite present 🙂
Thanks so much Elizabeth! Aww – when my daughter was a toddler, it used to be so hard to get her to share her Goldfish crackers! 🙂
You are going to think I’m bonkers if I keep saying how original I think you are …. but I really do! You always think of the best ideas. This one is a great one to kick off the new year with – love the dip as well!
Awww shucks Helen – thank you so much – I don’t think you are bonkers – I do think you are way too kind, though! 🙂
Not sure our goldfish crackers would make it in order for me to make turkey balls . . my kids love them. . love how inventive and resourceful you got here with these turkey balls, Shashi!!
Thanks so much Alice!
Oh I am so loving your New years Resolutions! lol.
I honestly can’t tell you anything about those TV shows either. But I sure can be excited about those Turkey balls! They look amazing! #client
Haha – Thanks so much Amber! 🙂
My mom used to always do her meatloaf with a twist – she would put in whatever chip or cracker she had on hand for the binder. We might have regular crackers, maybe pretzels, and I’m pretty sure we had goldfish a time or two!
You know Chris – I have always struggled to make a decent meatloaf when I have had friends come over (I just end up with shepherds pie instead)- maybe I should start using your mom’s idea!
Oh dear, you’ve added gold fish cracker, that’s genius. Now, what you said about food being a good bribing agent, YES.
These look good Sashi.
Thanks so much Asha – haha – yup, with kids, food can be used to make them o or not do ALL sorts of things!!!
Meatballs are such fun food – I don’t know anyone who could turn these down
Thanks so much Jeanette!
Very creative and scrumptious recipe, Shashi! I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like Goldfish or meatballs. Both are irresistible! Thank you for sharing, my friend. Have a great rest of the week!
Thank you so much Stacy! On a separate note – I am so glad to see you back! I so missed your positive and wicked good self! 🙂
Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week too!
I do love the look of your turkey balls and you are so inventive and creative as I don’t think I would ever have thought to make them with goldfish crackers (not even sure if we can buy goldfish crackers here!) And I love the sound of the dipping sauce with the yoghurt, mustard and honey xx
Thanks so much Charlie! You are too kind, my friend – but, I will say, I cannot make cakes like you can!
These turkey balls are so creative! Love that you added my favorite childhood cheesy crackers into these fun appetizers. Such a great idea! These would be perfect while watching the game or any of those TV shows 🙂
Thanks so much Kelly – you know, I still haven’t watched even 10 minutes of any of those shows – but I did watch 10 minutes of the news…
No goldfish in Australia. Something must be done about this because I’m in love with these meatballs!!
Thanks Maureen – please send me your address and I will send you a box-seriously! Hope John is better…
Love the meatballs and the goldfish in them. Very clever and delicious!
Thanks so much Suzanne!
These look good – I haven’t bought goldfish in years but this would be a good reason to have them around again.
Thanks Kim! I bet your boys would love these!
haha well I kinda love your resolution 🙂
And these meatballs! So creative! That sauce alone … I would dip everything in it I think!
🙂 🙂
Thanks so much Ashley!
I am so intrigued by this!
You gotta try these Sam!
yummy recipe…Love to try the dip.I guess yogurt,mustard and honey make a great combination which cant resist!
Happy New Year 2015!
Goldfish crackers in meatballs?! Sign me up!
Not going to lie- these balls must be the weirdest yet most genius combination yet…YUM! I was a huge goldfish fan growing up and this just reminds me that it’s been far too long since I had some. Adding this to my “Groceries I want from the US” list—> which is obviously getting longer by the day ;)!
I haven’t set any concrete resolutions but I want to focus on creating value in all areas of my life over the next year, be it in terms of my health, work, relationships with others and life overall!
I don’t make resolutions. It just ends in disappointment and feelings of failure 🙂
I can’t possibly add anymore shows to my lineup and that’s why I haven’t watched any of the shows you mention! I DVR all mine and watch them when I can.
Great use for Goldfish! We ate so many of these when the kids were little. They hardly come home with us now. But I bet they’d taste great in meatballs!
I don’t make resolutions anymore… last year I tried to make one for my blog and failed miserably. I don’t think goldfish crackers and meatballs are crazy… well maybe crazy good. 🙂
This is super creative! And I’m such a fan of honey mustard!! Gotta try this sucker out!!
Damn delicious and healthy snack!!!