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  1. Thank goodness we have left the slavery of home maintenance and lawn care when we moved to Asia. I can totally relate as back in States we had loads of hills…bees and nature to deal with as we backed up to the forest… I think you need to celebrate or mentally prepare yourself with that kind of lawn care task with a chocolate over loaded pancakes. A dessert or breakfast? Hmm maybe both! Pinning my friend!

    1. Bobbie – I don’t even back up to a forest – I have houses on all sides – but – wildlife seems to be al around – last year we had a baby deer trapped in some bushes in our neighbors yard…the cops and animal control showed up to set it free…oh, and then there were those bald faced hornets I found in one of my bushes! GAH!
      Think my daughter and I need to move with you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Haha – sometimes I do mine over a few days too – currently my back needs to be done – maybe we could switch? Though you and Lynn might have to hop across the little pond that divides us ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I am apposite to you, Shashi! Heat makes me hungry! ๐Ÿ˜‰ But I love these triple chocolate oatmeal pancakes. And I can have them for every meal! MAJOR DROOLING! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Haha – last I heard, chocolate doesn’t kill ya – it makes you happier – oh and stronger ๐Ÿ™‚
      Btw – you are too kind! Thanks so much Ashley!

  3. I can tell you right now, I would not want to be mowing your lawn! These pancakes though – YUM. I’ve been obsessed with Brookside dark chocolate fruit varieties but now I must try those chocolate bars!! You definitely deserve some chocolate after yard work ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Haha! Sometimes, Alanna, neither do I! ๐Ÿ™‚
      You do have to try the new Brookside chocolate covered almonds too – they are just so good!

  4. Don’t even get me started on mowing the lawn…haha! Instead, let’s talk about how decadent and delicious these pancakes look. I’m totally wishing I had a plate of these in front of me right now. I’m heading to Target later today, and I’m totally grabbing some Brookside chocolate! #client

    1. Wait – I thought you had a neighbor who tried to do yours…think I need to borrow your always-mowing neighbor!
      David – those new Brookeside chocolate covered almonds are so good – you might wanna buy 2 bags as Mrs. Spiced is not gonna wanna share any with you!

  5. I don’t love yard work, but I do love these pancakes! These would be such a huge hit for back to school…they look SO incredible!

  6. These look amazing!!!! I have never mowed lawn once in my life and I don’t intend on changing that – thank goodness for nomad life!

  7. The heat definitely kills my appetite as well… and makes me absolutely useless for the whole day ๐Ÿ˜› Avoiding yard work was actually one of the main reasons that I opted to buy a condo instead of a house when I moved out. I’m so not good at any sort of mowing or shovelling, so I moved to a place where I wouldn’t have to do that ๐Ÿ˜† And triple chocolate brings one thought to mind – YUM.

    1. My daughter and I joke about selling this place and moving into a condo – but there aren’t any without a yard in my daughter’s school district! Maybe when she heads to college I will downgrade and get rid of the yard in the process!
      BTW, Thanks so much, Amanda!

  8. Pancakes are perfect after a lot of yard work. I’d love to start my day with this gorgeous stack! Love all that chocolatey goodness!

  9. OMG Shashi, this just looks too good. I imagine triple chocolate also means three times as tasty. Oh dear, I just scrolled up to stare at them again, lol.
    Awesome recipe!

  10. Oh! You should have asked me – I could give you MY tip for easy lawn mowing….OUT SOURCE!!! But hey – good exercise, no? You NEED these pancakes to fuel you!! Pinning!

    1. Haha! Nagi I like your advice – and, if I cannot do it, then I “OUTSOURCE” -like I won’t mess with any electrical or plumbing repairs, but pushing a lawnmower is good exercise – besides I have a 70 year old neighbor a couple houses down who cuts her own grass! Talk about inspiring huh!?

  11. Yay for pancakes! ๐Ÿ˜€ I still utterly fail at making them, but that is a-okay. One can dream, and…practice makes perfect! These look amazing! <3

    1. YES – practice makes perfect!!!! Farrah – I’ve been practicing for along long while – my beginning pancakes would always fold on me rather than flip!?!?!
      Thanks so much, BTW!

  12. How lovely to have a break from all that mowing! I remember you telling me how big your yard is so it must take you some time to mow. The presentation of your pancakes is gorgeous. I do love how pretty they are with the chocolate nuts xx

    1. Charlie you are such a dear for remembering the size of my yard! My daughter and I joke about selling our place and getting a small condo just so there’s no yard!
      BTW – Thanks so much!

  13. I thought you would post those green pancakes today. Totally disappointed. But I’ve forgiven you thought, Shashi! I mean how could I not forgive your for these gorgeous bad guys?! I’ve made a lot of oatmeal and chocolate pancakes but separately – never combined them together! Well done!

    1. Oh Ben, I am so sorry – I thought I mentioned on Instagram that those Green Smoothie Cupcakes were coming out on 8-17 – maybe I forgot… but I am so glad these made you forgive me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. If I ate this for breakfast, i’d be done for the day! :p buttttt dessssert, now I’m in! Or you could just give me all that chocolate in the fourth photo and I’d be a happy girl too haha ๐Ÿ™‚ #chocolateforever

  15. ok, I didn’t even know there were settings on lawnmowers!!! ๐Ÿ˜› can you tell my hubby cuts the grass?! ok, this is chocolate overload of the best kind!!! wow! pass me some triple-chocolate-oatmeal-pancakes pleeaseeeeeee!!!

  16. I live in an apartment so no lawn mowing for me, hehe! These pancakes look delightfully sinful! A perfect treat for post-lawn mowing, I think ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Oh yard work! We don’t have that big of a yard (and it’s flat) so thankfully it’s not too much! But I’ll still happily eat a big stack of these pancakes after cutting the grass! haha Not that I should talk, that’s usually the husband’s job (I just water my little herb garden lol).

    1. Haha Ashley, I don’t have one of those, so grass cutting is my job – but – I wouldn’t mind trading your flat lawn for my hilly one – I’ll even throw a couple of stacks of these pancakes into the deal…?? ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. I saw ‘triple chocolate’ and I was sold immediately!!
    I’ve never made pancakes with ground oatmeal before, but what a GREAT idea! I especially love the choc covered mango on the top … oh wow, you’re really making me hungry!

    1. Haha – that’s me too – if I see triple or double preceding the word chocolate – am in! Helen – if you want, you could use “oat flour” – i take the budget friendly route and grind up oats – btw – thanks so much! xx

  19. Shashi: These pancakes look simply terrific… so decadent, so tempting! They are breakfast heaven!

  20. Just looking at that first picture already had me sold!! Drooling! Totally making this for breakfast tomorrow morning. I just moved into a new apartment today (no lawn mowing for me!) but i’ll follow your lead on the pancakes ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. BAHAHA! I seriously laughed out loud when I read about your lawn mowing discovery. It is totally something that I would do. Hopefully that leaves more times for stacks of pancakes! Hooray! I looked at these pictures and was like, “healthy shashi is telling me I can have these for breakfast?! sign me up!!!” Delish

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